Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 14: No Cosmetic For Beauty, Like Happiness

Week 14: 1 month 'without' weight loss
Current Situation: 164lbs

Happy Monday My Friends!
I would first like to thank you for the overwhelming support I got after last week's post! It is very moving to hear how this blog and my actions are effecting your lives. You guys are my inspiration and keep me going! Thank you so much!
I do, I love you all with all of my butt, which is a whole lot! hahaha!
My 4 simple (yet totally rockin') accomplishments this week: 
Size 6 jeans, baby! First time since 6th grade. SUPER proud of myself!
I have realized that I am grumpy when I don't get a good workout in! I am now at the point that working out is not a chore- it is a hobby and passion. That is a big deal for me!
I went on a evening walk to the bird sanctuary every day it was warm and sunny 
I learned to do a Fishtail braid! Thanks Youtube!

This week, I have been getting emails about my skin/face/complexion/make-up use. This came as a great shock to me! I have never been known as someone with good skin. I often had peers call me, "freckle face" as a child. However, I did not have many freckles. Zit face, would have been more like it!
 It is not perfect now, by any means, but has improved A LOT. I have noticed the biggest difference in the last few months. I am sure my diet has a huge part of that. Keeping hydrated is a HUGE help too. When you take out fat and oils and replace them with natural and healthy alternative, your body will thank you in every way- even your complexion. 

I end every day using ONE SIDE of a make-up removing wipe and "take off my face." I save the wipe (Costco has awesome ones that work well, are super soft, and super cheap!) and use it the next morning to wipe off any oils that built up during the night. In the shower, I use Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash (it worked miracles after using hardcore sun screen on my face in Mexico). I ALWAYS use moisturizer with sun screen under my make up. I only put 3 make up items on my face (other than eye make up and lip stick): Neutrogena under eye concealer, Clinique powder foundation, and Neutogena bronzer/blush combo. I keep it simple. I am a low maintenance girl. It takes me between 3-7 minutes to do my make up. Blow drying my never-ending thick-as-the-center-of-the-earth hair- is a different story. 
This is beyond true. Happiness shines out of your eyes and can fool people into thinking you are prettier than you are. Instant face lift! Like the old saying, "It is what is on the inside that counts!"

2 Fit Girl Problems
1) Things You Love No Longer Fit
If I were simply speaking of clothes no longer fitting- being too big, this would be a joyous public service announcement. My clothes continue to get bigger on me, spite not "loosing weight" (getting toned! wahoo!). However, that is not what I mean. I feel we should have a moment of silence to mourn the loss of my shoe collection.
Weight-loss does not discriminate. It will make everything fit different- even your shoes. Designer to Target brands, it doesn't matter. They are all too big for me now. I don't even know what to do with myself! Anyone wear a 9.5 and loves shoes? Email me. (  I might cry a little saying goodbye to some of these beauties, don't mind me! haha

I have another issue as well: underwear. They are all too small! It is not the issue you'd think I'd be having (to keep this blog PG, I am not going to show you how my underwear look on me now)! My squishy tushy is now more tush than squish! I have been really focusing on squats and lunges. This is proof that my hard work is paying off. However, shoes and underwear are my favorite thing to shop for, meaning, I have a lot. 

Dear Nordstroms, I would not turn it down if you sent me a big gift card for my love and admiration of your merchandise and all my hard work! ;-)
2) I Live In "Active Wear"
I like making my workouts in the mornings and afternoons (perhaps with an evening walk thrown in too). Why? An excuse to stay in my compression pants, tank top and sports bra, all day long. I have grown to hate "real clothes". I would love to give a BIG shout out to the person who made yoga pants a fashion trend. I hope you know they are less fuzzy, better feeling sweatpants of today. And I thank you for that!

Grumpy Monday

This is how I am feeling today!
(Boys, you might want to put your "ear muffs" on for this next part!)

I have friends that their "time of the month" really effects them hard: mood swings, cramps, dizziness, etc. I have really never been one of them...until TODAY. I was at the gym this morning doing Body Pump and was about 2 squats away from passing out. I really did not like the feeling! I had to leave class early and cancel a training session at 11.  I have felt so good this last week (minus the 2 nights I ate ground turkey in 5 minutes and then tried to workout right after...ouch!) until this morning. I have zero energy. I am in PAIN. I have been beyond happy the last few weeks... and today I have a rain cloud following me everywhere! I walked in the door from running errands and burst into tears for no reason WHAT SO EVER. After taking iron and eating little bits here and there I am feeling closer to a normal human being. If anyone has any other tips for me, I would be super happy to hear them! 
Have a super star kind of week! Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 13: Junk-n-da-Trunk and addressing haters

OH YES! It is that time of the month! To be honest, I was feeling a little bit discouraged this week. I haven't lost much weight this month and my measurments were seemingly not changing much. However, my before and after pictures- from today to 2 month ago make me super happy (see below). This is now month 3 of being healthy. I couldn't feel better or be happier. 
Today 04/15/2012- Muscle is making me look good and lean! ;-)
02/19/2012- 1 month in to my life-style change (2 months ago)
Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats (weight and body inch measurements):
 Blue= Total
The Situation (Weight): 164lbs ( -20lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 28.1 (-5.3
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13" ( -1inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13" (-1 inch)
Boobs: 37" ( -3 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 33.5" (-3.5 inch)
Waist: 34" (-5.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 38.5" (-6.5 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 40.5" (-3 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 24" (-1 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1 1/2 inch)
Calf Left: 16"
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST:  23.5 inches 

The Kitchen Counter with Katie:
Daily Dish Edition
I have been getting a lot of emails asking for my daily food routine. I usually mention certain foods that I like to focus on in my diet...but I have never given the low down on my daily dish- so to speak. Below are a list of my lucky 13 foods- I am guaranteed to eat during the day. I mix and match to get all my food groups in during the day. 

I would also like it on the record that I am not DEPRIVING myself! I love the food I am eating and have never felt healthier. I eat 4-7 meals a day. I am not doing this for peer pressure. This is for me, my health, and my well-being.  
Here is an example of combining some of these for a meal. I had this 2 hours ago. Lean top sirloin, quinoa with avocado, mango, and baked kale. Delicious.
1) Leafy Greens (mostly Spinach and Kale)
2) Quinoa
3) Veggies (Asparagus and Broccoli- mostly but not exclusively!)
4) Fruit (Tropical [pineapple, mango, kiwi, etc], Berries [any and all], avocado, squash, etc)
5) Eggs
6) Whey Protein (bars, shakes, and powder)
I am pretty tricky. I have some Starbucks gift cards- I love coffee, but not that calories. I get a Iced, Grande, sugar- free peppermint coffee with room for "cream". Then I take it home and put half of a chocolate protein shake it in and make a peppermint mocha. Boo-ya!
7) Meat (Lean Beef, Turkey, Chicken breast, and Fish- mostly)
8) Greek Yogurt
9) No Sugar added Apple Sauce
10) Smoothie Adders (Green SuperFood powder, Truvia [natural 0 calorie sweetener], Chia gel
11) Nuts (Almonds and Walnuts mostly)
12) Metabolism boosting spices (Cheyenne Pepper and Cinnamon are two examples) 
13) Spicy Sauces (Fred's Big Red, and Sriracha, etc) 
Me Likey Sriracha!
I am not sure what it is about the holiday of fluffy bunny tails and Easter egg hunts to bring all the meanest people on the internet to email me. I got 5- count them- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 messages that were down right rude (all of which, were men- from the mid-west, oddly enough). It was everything from the "hate" of my blog title (innocent enough!) Jason from Kansas. 

He wrote:

"You should be ashamed of yourself for posting pictures of your fat ass on the internet. No one cares about your person struggles. Please delete this piece of garbage. Post pictures when you are finally hot."

Dear Jason from Kansas,
I would love to write a list of profanities and scream at you through the internet. I would also love to politely request that you go on a hunting trip with Dick Chaney. However, I am going to pretend to be a nicer person than that. STOP WASHING YOUR CRABBY CAKES DOWN WITH HATER-ADE! Perhaps you are so use to your flat landscape around you in Kansas, that you forgot what curves look like. I got 'em- right here on my hips. I am damn proud of my body. You can suck it. 

Warmly and Sincerely,

For other haters out there, I have my girlie anthems that I will turn up so loud that I cannot hear you! So take that! ha.ha.ha.ha
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me, but you see
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again- got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man
Well, you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know what you don't know
Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
I'm pretty awesome
Soft Kitty, solves any problem!
I had a whole section for Workout Routine Queen planned on leg workouts I've been doing, but I will have to do that next week. I felt this issue of my haters needed to be addressed first. Tomorrow will be a killer workout! 3 hours of Bodypump, Zumba, and personal training. Lord help me.

 Thank you for all of the positive support I've been getting from everyone else!!! Please email with any question or comments. (

Love you guys! Be strong and train hard!  xoxo

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 12: Stressed is DESSERTS spelled backwards

Week 12: 0 pounds weight loss (20 pounds total)
This is a dress I had planned to wear for my last day of work in California. Only problem is that is was not close to fitting.
Current Situation: 164
I have never been so "ok" with not loosing any weight. I am adding muscle and celebrating Easter with my sister's baked goods (see below in Chubby Cuisine Challenge). I am just overjoyed I did not gain weight this week! I feel good. I had a ego boost today at the gym. I was doing a quick warm up before going into body pump. I was stopped by a small swarm of women who surrounded me. They were giggly, chatty, and joked about their bodies, "jiggling and wiggling". They told me that they have been watching me in the gym the last few weeks and got their inspiration for both workout style and body from me. I stood there speechless. To be honest, sometimes when I look in the mirror, I still see me as 250lbs. It is not fun and is very discouraging. But to hear these women point out different parts of MY BODY that they would "kill for"- touched me to my core. The only words I could muster without crying or laughing myself into insanity was, "No one has ever said that to me. You ladies just made my day."

I wanted to thank you all for reading this. YOU have kept me going these three months and I could not do without you. Thank you for your emails and encouraging support. Again, if you have any questions or comments, I will answer them as honestly and quickly as possible. 

This week is the 100th anniversary of Titanic. How did I stop to remember the event? By  going to Titanic 3-D, TWICE, this week. Duh! What else would have done? I no longer dread the snack bar either! The movie theater even has some healthy options now! I get a vegetable "Detox"  juiced smoothie every time I go. It makes me excited to go to the movies again... instead of dread the smell of everything butter and sugar coated! Also, don't miss the corny infomercials with titanic jewelry. They are hilarious. 

Love these books, the movie, and the soundtrack! Pretty sure I could kick some booty in the arena! haha I also have seen this delightful film twice. I think it is time to branch out and watch different movies!!!
Workout Routine Queen 
I am being a good girl and doing as my Physical Therapist advised: back brace when running. It sucks, but I have noticed a huge difference in my legs! Much less tingling and numbness. He called the brace, "instant abs" so it helps compress everything. I have been working hard at strengthening my abs and gluts so that I will not have to wear this long. My trainer has focused many of my exercises to revolve around their strength as well. 

Syrina (my trainer at Gold's Gym) is amazing and a ball of energy. She has me doing simple activities that have me really feeling it the next day. I have been doing a lot more resistance and weight training as well. I am getting a different attitude towards it, which really only had up to go from where I started. It was my focus of loathing at the gym. I discovered why- my legs are the only thing that are strong on my body. Everything isn't getting worked when I do cardio. It is hard. It is like starting over! I enjoy the challenge however, because I am seeing the results I want. Next week I will get into talking about my weight lifting routine. I am excited to share it!

My Body Hates Me: Black Henna Edition
Henna is all natural and all safe. However, when in a foreign country regulations on such natural byproducts do not have to codes....BE CAREFUL I discovered this from my dolphin henna I got in Mexico (see below).
However, it infected and caused a major damper on my week. I will save you all the nauseating information about what it could have been actually made out of and what some reactions can do to you. Google "Black Henna" if you are interested! I will summarize and say, it is bad and it can scar you for life- or worse. 

I didn't even get a picture of it at its worse! It was blistered and VERY swollen and red. It felt like it was on fire- much more painful than a black widow bite I had a few years ago. I am happy to say it is fading away and not painful or itchy anymore. WORD FROM THE WISE: BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU GET HENNA, WHO DOES IT, AND WHAT THEY USE!!! If bad enough, it can result in death. 

On a lighter note, yesterday was Easter, so this is really the only time in my blog I can justify having pictures of cute bunnies for no reason. Enjoy.

My "Bob Barker Moment"
They do exist!!!

The Kitchen Counter: 

My sister is a wonderful cook. She TRIED to make things as healthy as possible, without compromising on the yumminess that Easter Dinner should be. I appreciated her efforts! It was delicious! We had Lamb, homemade gnocchi from sweet potatoes, "drunken" salad, and my version of Deviled Eggs (see below!).

These are Deviled Eggs...who have repented for being unhealthy. haha It is just spicy hummus with a little Cheyenne Pepper. It is super good! A great snack too! 

Chubby Cuisine Challenge: 
Anna's Tart Edition
According to my sister, she "hates" baking. However, the devilish dessert she created makes me doubt her hatred. That, or she has a gift that she refuses to use. It was a chocolate/lavender/clouds of heaven/butter... tart- made from scratch. 

I forgot to get a picture before people started eating it. You get the idea. It was bomb dot com. I am proud to say I only had a little sliver. 

You all have a great week! Get out there and get active while we have sunshine! AGAIN! Please email me with any questions or comments! XOXO

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 11: The Mexico Diet

Week 11: 2 pound weight loss (20 total)
Situation: 164lbs
Viva Mexico!
I am in love with Mexico. I am already plotting my return.
Before I jump into the excitement of Mexico, I have something very exciting to share. Remember in my first blog (breaking up with Ben and Jerry) an "after" picture I posted of me at my lowest weight yet? I was 158lbs in the picture in Paris. See Below for a reminder:
The sweater dress I bought in Paris and last wore over a year ago because it not looking so cute on.


I am only 6 pounds away from being my smallest weight yet! My goal is to be there before the next "Junk-n-the-trunk" reveal. 
Workout Routine Queen: Mexico Edition

I traded in the gym last week. This was my workout room instead. I would walk and run the beach followed by dolphins and warm sunshine. I also discovered I have a profound love of Sketcher's shape-up sandals. I am not about supporting the Kardashians and making them richer, but I assure you, I felt a difference while walking all over the place in my legs. 

I also did all of my exercises that my physical therapist, Michael Hansen, suggested for my back problem. I did those in the resort or on the beach. Most of them consist of abs and gluts. 

Workout Buddy?
I did a lot of resistance exercises in the water. As the waves went in and out, I powered along the beach into a sweat. I am super proud to say spite not sticking to my normal diet (and adding a few drinks in there as well) I only gained 2 pounds on the trip. I have burned off those plus two additional pounds just this week (so albs totally this week). WAHOO!

I went on a snorkel adventure that found us watching the majestic beauty of Humpbacks. We watched them play in the tall waves and crash backwards, using the ocean as their playground. It was not only a highlight of the trip, it was one of my favorite moments in life. 

The new improved Workout Queen Routine: 
Trainer Edition! 
It is official. I have hired a personal trainer. I am really excited too. I feel like I have my spark back at the gym. I was starting to get bored with my workouts. The beauty of this is: if I have a trainer- YOU HAVE A TRAINER! I will make sure to take good notes during our training sessions and I will share them with you. I found my first meeting with the amazing Gold's Gym favorite, Syrina. I already enjoy her...which means she is going to kick my booty. Ha! I am really going to work on doing more weights and resistance. I am not only trying to loose weight, but also tone the chub a muffin! She wants me doing 6 days of cardio and 3 of resistance. 

She had some interesting and entertaining computer software that projected what I will look like at my goal weight. If that isn't motivation, I do not know what is! However, it turns out for lowering my healthy risks and to make my "internal age" lower than my actually age she said my goal weight should be 123lbs! My eyes must have bugged out of my eyes. I was working toward 135-140. I might compromise and go for 130lb. I am all about getting rid of all my wiggle jiggle, but we will have to play it that by ear. 

It is a new month. party people! Ready to have sexy arms?! I am!

The Kitchen Counter with MEXICO
I cannot say enough about the food and drinks. I will let the pictures do all the talking! It is a miracle I did not gain more. 

Oh baby...I miss these fried chicken yum yum feast in my mouth.

It is even better than it looks.

Probably the best sauce I have ever had! It was  avocado based and spicy!

Hannah, this is for you. Some of the best curry I have ever had!

All you can eat and drink Mexican Fiesta night!

I pretty much lived off of quesadillas. YUM.  

An entire Vitamix blender full of blended boozy goodness was in this!

I could have lived off of these!


After Mexico, I was a wee bit dehydrated. The mixture of not drinking much water, sun, salt water around me, and alcohol...I was in NEED when I got home. I have been trying to drink one of these a day. It has done wonders flushing me out as well. It is about 80oz. I fill it will different things each day to give it a different flavor. I get bored with plain water sometimes. This batch has chopped up strawberries and cucumbers and fresh mint. It is so yummy. I just keep it in the fridge and refill whenever my glass or water bottle is empty. 

Chubby Cuisine Challenge: Churro Edition
Dearest Darlingest Momsie and Popsicle, 

THESE ARE BAND FROM THE HOUSE. I don't care what your excuse was! 

Your loving and adoring daughter on a mission to loose and kill my chub-a-muffin