Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 18: Junk-n-da-trunk and Viva Las Vegas

WEEK 18 and 29 INCHES DOWN! 
Happy Monday and Junk-N-Da-Trunk Day! This is a view of part of my daily routine: cleaning delicious and nutritious smoothie off my face. 
I hope you all had a wonderful week!
I woke up this morning, excited to step on the scale and see where I am. After all, I have been doing everything right, eating like a pro and working out like a boss. That all changed when I saw the number pop up. Not only did I not loose weight this week, I gained weight. The current situation went up 2 pounds. My first instinct was to channel my inner karate kid and break the scale over my knee. However, after thinking about all the resistance training and (WARNING: boys- put your ear muffs on!!) being a girl and dealing with "that time of the month"...I decided the scale could live to see another day.

I found myself stressed out this week about things I should not have. It was exhausting and a waste of time and energy. I found the picture below and it made me smile. So true. 
However, I did cheer myself up tenfold, when I found a pair of jeans my sister gave me for my birthday. They were a size too small (size 8) when she got them for me. They were my inspiration jeans- a goal if you will. I did the unthinkable when I got them: took a picture of me in them...stomach exposed and all. If you know me, you know I am and probably always will be sensitive about showing off my stomach. For me, it is  the MOST uncomfortable body part to show off! Weird, I know. However, these series of pictures totally made my week. I think it shows my progress better than anything.
Mid-February 2012- I had to lay down to get them on. I sat down in them and nearly popped the button.
Beginning of April 2012- sucking in the chubs with all my might. However, they did fit comfortably! 
5/19/2012- Not to flash you my underoos, but these pants don't stay up with a belt! Glory be, hallelujah! 

Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats 
(weight and body inch measurements):
 Blue= 29 inches lost total (5.5 inches this month)
5/21/2012- Cannot have a Junk-n-da-trunk without an updated "I love you" bunny shirt picture! Excuse the no make up! I felt that getting this posted was more important than a shower and getting ready for the day. That is dedication at its best!
The Situation (Weight): 159lbs ( -25lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 27.3 (-6.1
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13" ( -1inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13" (-1 inch)
Boobs: 35.5" ( -4.5 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 33.5" (-3.5 inch)
Waist: 32" (-7.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 35" (-9 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 40" (-3.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 23.5" (-1.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1.5 inches)
Calf Left: 15.5" (.5 inch)
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST:  29 inches 

Viva Las Vegas

This week I discovered that I am FOR SURE going to Vegas next Monday to complete my introduction sommelier certification! For those of you who do not know, a sommelier is also known as a wine steward. What this means is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, normally working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as food and wine pairings. I majored in Global Wine Studies, so this is exciting to be able to add another certification to my resume. However, I am worried about all the temptations of Vegas. I am training hard this week to keep my focus. 

Other reasons my week ROCKED 
my Hello Kitty Socks:

1) As you know by now, I love shopping the sale racks. I love to get some bang for my buck. HOWEVER, I am discovering that sometimes, it is worth it to splurge a little bit. The left eye, I used Dior Iconic ($25 @ Sephora) on the right eye, I used Maybelline ($6 @ Target). I think it is easy to say who won this round! Damn you, Dior.
Maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's photoshop on their models....
2) Every week, I try to do at least one different workout. Change it up, keep life interesting. This week I found the most different and delightful of them all: Laughter Yoga. It is even more odd than it sounds and twice as fun. Fun Fact: 1 minute of continuous laughter burns as many calories as 10 minutes of rowing. Perhaps my next mix up workout will be sitting around listening to Jim Gaffigan talk about bacon and hot pockets. 

3) My little fluff ball Frodo (AKA, Froodles, Doodles, and Lil Shit) can be such a love bug- when he wants to be. This week he was my little buddy every chance he got. I love that. Keep it up Fro and you will keep getting food snuck to you under the dinner table...
4) I FOUND A ZERO CALORIE SODA- without artificial sweeteners or coloring! I have been trying to cut back on my consumption of things like aspartame. I am sure it causes cancer, or worse. This soda is made from stevia/truvia. I also am hooked on Vitamin Water ZERO, made with the same natural sweeteners. I get bored with water from time to time, so it is nice to mix it up. Tea is my other saving grace! 
5) Who says fast food has to be unhealthy? I love Subway! Sure you can make it unhealthy if you want, but doesn't this look amazing?! Even with oil and vinegar it is about 200 calories with the apple slices. A great mini meal to keep you full and happy as a bird with a french fry! 

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for all the feedback I have been getting! Keep it coming!

If you have any questions or comments email me at

Always remember:


Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 17: All Hail The Candy Nazi

Week 17: (27lbs in 17 weeks, 93lbs TOTAL- No weight loss this week, but I did more weight training than usual, so I am not surprised.)

Currently Situation: 157lbs

My Mommy and my Mimi

First of all, I hope all of you had a wonderful mother's day. Besides not existing, I am not sure where I'd be without my sweet mommy. Although she calls me the "destroyer of chocolaty dreams" and my personal favorite the "Candy Nazi" (I claim this as a compliment) she is my number one supporter. Not only in my weight loss journey, but every step of life. I'd be lost without you. Thank you, mom!

For all other mothers (or mothers of pets/animal lovers) I found another excuse to post cute pictures of animals. Enjoy.

Cute, huh?!?!

Mother's Day Dinner: Anna's Salmon and Salad

Kitchen Counter with Katie: 
Raspberry Mocha Smoothie Fantastico Edition
First of all, check out the awesome, well-balanced nutrition facts here. Second of all, this master piece tastes like a freaking raspberry mocha from heaven above. I have been adding extra instant coffee to it too. AND fresh raspberries. It just keeps getting better and more amazing. Smoothies are the love of my life. If you have smoothies you love, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me the recipe.
Allergy Check: Waste 'o Time
Today I went in to see if I had any food allergies. What I really wanted to know is if I had any food sensitivities (AFTER injecting allergens into my back, I was told they do not test for sensitivities! OF COURSE! Gah!). However, all I learned is that I am very allergic to blue cheese- which I have known my entire adult life (that is what the giant red mark is in the mirror. It itched like HELL). Needless to say, it was a waste of my afternoon, keeping me from the warm sunshine. Oh well.

Workout Routine Queen: Playground
For those of you who think that you cannot workout because you do not have a gym. I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. Especially with the weather as awesome as it has been this week. 

This is a spring loaded balance board. The longer you stand the more it shakes. Do a some balancing squats on this baby and you will feel it. Plus it is fun.

Climb on crap. Use your muscles. You don't have to load a weighted bar to call it a resistance workout. I used everything from the toys at Rotary Park to the benches to work different muscle groups. It was a fun mix up to my routine. I highly recommend it!

FOR THE RECORD: Supplements Edition 

The number one question I have been getting recently from you my friends: what supplements do I use to aid my weight loss. My big announcement is: blood, sweat, and tears (AKA- none). I do not take any chemical that "speeds" up the weight loss process. I have an addictive personality. I do not need one more crazy expensive (or harmful) addiction. I will keep my addiction list to: homemade smoothies, exercise, Truvia based drinks, and bargain shopping. It is a valid question, however.

"Performance" Pills I Take (check out the link if you'd like to know why):
Multi Vitamin





Occasionally: Ginger

FOR THE RECORD: Weekly Schedule Edition
The number 2 most frequently asked question I have been getting is what my actual workout schedule is. The below is it, give or take classes, personal training, or random short workouts before or after classes.

Monday: BodyPump @8:30
Tuesday: TRX 6am, *Get in, Train Hard, and Out 6:30am, BobyPump 12pm Get in and out 4pm (this is my hardcore, crazy fat crying day)
Wednesday: Body Pump 8:30, Get in and out 12:15, Get in, Train Hard, and Out 4pm
Thursday: Get in, Train Hard, and Out 6:30am, TRX 6am, Hot Yoga 4:30
Friday: Misc.
Saturday: BodyPump: 8am
Sunday: Rest
 *Get in, train hard, and out classes are 30-minute intense, small group classes focused on a mixture of cardio and strength. These are total fat crying workouts (my like fat screaming profanities at you workouts).

FOR THE RECORD: Hannah’s Curry
My awesome and amazing cousin, Hannah, asked me weeks ago to find a healthy and easy way to make curry. My favorite style of curry in the world is red curry. I found the most amazing recipe that only takes 30 minutes and is extremely healthy. For me to say it is easy means something. I am not a cook...unless you call my smoothie making cooking.... Then I am a 3 Michelin Star chef.
Veggie Thai Red Curry

  • 1 tbsp red Thai curry paste
  • 1 tbsp coconut cream
  • 300ml skimmed milk
  • ¼ butternut squash , peeled, seeded and cut into cubes
  • 6 baby button mushrooms
  • ½ small head broccoli , cut into florets
  • cherry tomatoes
  • lime , halved
  • fish sauce (to season)
  • steamed rice , to serve

Who Loves Rhubarb? 

We have a plant that is VERY old (it was my great-grandparent's) and produces huge pieces of rhubarb. It is my quest to find a way to use some of this and have it taste good without a butt load of sugar. We shall see.

CHUBBY Cuisine Challenge: Great Harvest Bread Edition
Mom, I do not care if it is Mother's Day or Leap Day....this is not allowed. I am a bread addict. I lived in France and could polish of a loaf without a second thought. Bread like my crack mixed with Fun Dip for me. This with butter? Oh dear Lord! Too good. I did manage to avoid it. I stuck to the yummy salmon and kale salad. 

Have a rocking week my friends! Go out and Sparkle. Let me know if you have any questions or comments (! XOXO

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 16: RMR and Exercise Adventures in the Emerald City.

Week 16: 2 Pound Weight Loss 
(27 pounds in 16 weeks, 93 pounds TOTAL)

Current Situation: 157lbs
I heart Audrey.
How to Avoid Weight Loss Plateaus! 

I had a fantastic week. I did a very interesting test that has revolutionized the views of the food that I consume and burn. I did the RMR (resting metabolic rate). The test itself is super easy. First thing in the morning, before doing anything, you roll out of bed, head to Gold's Gym and breathe into a little machine (see below picture). That's it. I recommend everyone doing this. It is just interesting to know about yourself. I discovered that when I sit around doing nothing but breathing air, I burn 1240 calories. This is on the low end of the average scale. What this means for weight loss is: IF I workout 9 hours a week (which on average I do) and consume 1277 calories a day, I will lose 2 pounds a week. GAH! No wonder my weight loss slowed down so much! Granted, if I am doing a day of hard, fat crying workouts, I am going to eat more. I am not about passing out or dying. I am hardcore, but not stupid. 

I also figured out exactly how many carbs, protein, and fats I should be eating per day, which was really interesting. I need my diet to be 50% carbs (160g), 25% protein (80g), and 25% fat (25g, 14g saturated fat, and 319 calories from fat). Thanks to the app, My Fitness Pal, calculating these numbers is super easy.

Other Reason My Week Was Rockin':
First of all, I found this picture. If it doesn't make you laugh, nothing will.
I saw my sister twice in one week, which is like a new record in our adult life.
The weather has been amazing! And I did my first hike to Saddle Rock for the year with my dad. My allergies tried to kill me, but I rose to the challenge (I cannot take any allergy meds for one more week when I go to the allergist and find out what all I am allergic to. Wish me luck...)
I had the opportunity to go to my first Sounders Game this week! It was great weather and they won! I would say it was a win-win…but they played L.A. Galaxy and I DID NOT SEE DAVID BECKHAM. Boooooo! 
My Seattle Adventure

I took a “day off” from working out on a trip to Seattle I took this week. I walked up and down the hills of downtown and called it good on Wednesday. The next day, I thought I needed to step up my game and seek out the Downtown Gold’s Gym. I did just that (only after setting off a very loud and troubling security alarm at my Aunt and Uncle’s house early in the morning, sorry again everyone!) So here I am, very proud of myself making it downtown to discover the most amazing thing known to gym-goers everywhere: Cardio Cinema. I watched most of the movie Money Ball while using an elliptical and having sweat drip off me. It was a fat crying work out. After, I did a little weight lifting and decided it was time for a protein shake before I pass out or die right there on the floor of the gym. I head into the pouring rain to catch the Light Rail to the South Center mall. I chose to be sporty and use the never-ending-feeling stairs at each station I got out at. I was on a quest to go to the Nordstrom’s Rack because I love designer workout clothes for “Katie Prices” (Yes, I am aware there is a new Rack downtown Seattle, but it does not carry active wear).

 I get off at the nearest stop, grab my phone, google map the Nordstrom Rack and realize I have a 3 mile walk in the freezing rain. Brilliant. So I stop at the mall (2 miles into the journey) to eat soup and hot tea so I can feel my body again. By the time I actually got to the store I was soaked and freezing. I “tried on” the heaviest coat I could find in my size and proceeded to wear it around while shopping. Classy, I know. The trip ended up being successful. If someone had bought what I did, at full price, they would have spent $650. I spent $99.25. I got 3 pairs of Juicy sweat pants for a total of $26 (they are usually $118 each). I may or may not have done a dance in the middle of the store when I found them. I proceeded to call a taxi to take me back to the station after that ordeal. 

Another word from the wise, never ever go to “browse” in Sephora if you are actually looking for something. You will come out much poorer. The girls in there can smell weakness. It must be a new perfume scent I am not aware of. Long story short, I indeed got a “good” workout Thursday. I don't believe Dorothy would have been jealous of my journey around the Emerald City. I think I would have preferred the Yellow Brick Road myself. 

Workout Routine Queen
For the last 6 weeks, I have been doing more strength training than cardio. This is a big deal for me. I use to LOATH anything that had resistance. However, I have been seeing how quickly it has been changing my body, and I am learning to not only do it, but enjoy it. I have been doing TRX (see above picture) for a month now, 2 days a week. It is using your own body weight as your resistance. It is a HELL of a workout. It does wonders for your hot bod too. 
The class I once dreaded going to is now a weekly favorite. I love BodyPump at Gold's Gym! I go at least 3 days a week. Again, this is a "low" (starts out feeling low and by the end feels like a million and a half elephants) resistance weight workout that works all of your major (and minor) muscle groups. It is a mental thing for me. Before, when it started to burn and hurt, I would rest and grumble about how I hated the class. After research and support from some of my "lifting" friends, I have realized, the burn is where results happen. Embrace it. Bare down. Cuss loudly in your head if you must. Encourage yourself. Do anything to push through one song of each muscle group. When you finish, you will feel like the champion of the world.  Between these classes, I have seen more changes in 6 weeks than any other time span since I started my weight loss journey. If you are just doing cardio and wondering why you are not losing weight, seeing results, or hitting a plateau: THIS IS IT! Add some weight training. You will thank me later.

Chubby Cuisine Challenge: 

Another trip to Seattle, means another round of amazing temptations from my Uncle Steve! haha! I was so super happy to be able to go to the Sounders game with my family. However, he bought 2 things of garlic fries and had one on either side of me. It was torture by garlic. I ate all the apple slices, and called it good. After all, everyone and their dog knows that you can't just eat ONE garlic fry. 

I am super proud of myself and the progress I have made. Always remember you are your own biggest critic. Why not make yourself smile by doing something good for you inside and out? Hope you have a super amazing week. Please email if you have any questions or comments ( xoxo

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 15: Losing the Weight of a Baby Hippo. 90lbs!

Week 15: 5 Pound Weight-loss (25 pounds in 15 weeks- 91 pounds TOTAL)
Current Situation: 159

I am not sure what Dr. Oz (whom I hate) is doing with 90lbs of raspberries here, but I will tell you what I am not doing with 90 pounds of fat- no longer wearing it on my body. WA-HOO!
IT IS OFFICIAL. I have lost over 90 TOTAL pounds. I am so excited and proud of myself. I basically lost the weight of a baby hippo, or two adult emperor penguins, or 9 average sized bunnies. Just to prove a point, I tried lifting 90 pounds of weights at the gym. After about 1 minute, I thought my arms were going to fall off. I stood there in the middle of the gym trying not to cry. Don't get me wrong, they were tears of joy. I could barely hold the amount of weight I have lost for a period of time. It is a great victory for me mentally, however, it is a greater victory for my health and well-being. 

Another small, yet significant mile marker for me this week was getting over my plateau. For an entire month, I didn't lose a pound. After changing only 2 SIMPLE things in my diet, the pounds flew off this week. It has been since I first started working out (again) that I lost this much weight in one week. Weeks like this make me wish I would have done the Biggest Loser so I could get paid for this (That show ticks me off too. How can that be healthy loosing THAT much weight each week? But, I still watch it! ha!)
2 Tips to Make Your Plateau a Downhill Slope:
1) When you do a MORNING workout- do not eat before hand. I know what you thinking, "Katie, you are nuts. I would pass out without eating." Wrong. I thought the same thing. When you get up out of bed and  go straight to workout- you are burning off calories from your "bank" of extra calories. If you eat right before a workout, you will just be burning the calories you consumed for breakfast. It will also rev up your metabolism for the rest of the day and help you burn even more calories. Make sure to eat a well-balanced meal as soon as you done working out. This is very important. Also, don't go crazy and push yourself to the point of getting faint. I did this due to a mixture of a cold and sessional allergies AND not eating. Listen to your body. It knows you better than your mind does. 

2) Lay off high protein SNACKS. I was trying to include protein in every thing I ate. I had so much in my system that my body couldn't process all of it. I am now having high protein meals, with snacks of fruits and veggies. It is very satisfying and so is loosing 5 pounds in one week for barely doing anything differently. 
I have been craving watermelon like no other. It is so good for you, so delicious, and one of the best fighters against cellulite! I have been freezing chunks and making watermelon slushies. They are killer.
I have had many of you write to me saying you wished you had more time so that you could workout. I understand schedules are busy. Hours are short and the days seems shorter. However, your health is really all you really have in life, if you think about it. If you don't have that, you have nothing. You don't have to be a workout warrior or a gym bunny. Just move your body and allow it 20 minutes of exercise. If I can get up at 4:45am two times a week- anyone can get up 20 minutes early to move around. I promise!!

Workout Routine Queen
Happy May! Get ready to rock and roll!

In those 20 minutes of workout- have fun. I have been so consumed by thinking I had to lift weights or be in a gym setting to "workout" that I was forgetting to play

This week, with my trainer out of town (SYRINA! PLEASE COME BACK. I think I need a pocket version of you with me at all times!) I discovered ways of getting my sweat on, without needing a gym. Two of which were:

1) Walking the "loop" (however, I may have walked the loop halfway just to end up at the East Wenatchee Gold's Gym. This was a killer, sweat dripping, sunny day. AKA: A-fat-cryin'-kinda-day).

2) Tennis with my Dad (AKA watching my dad run around the court trying to keep up with my erratic balls that I hit with no aim.)

Another Tip: When I am at the gym, I like to pretend that everyone is competing. I am what you'd call, a "competitive-passive-agressive" type. If the person next to me on the elliptical, man or woman is outdoing me in resistance or elevation, I push myself to match. The best part of this competition- because I am the only one who is aware it is going on, I always win. And who doesn't always love winning?!

This is a tulip that sprouted from a bulb I brought back from Amsterdam. 
If you have any questions or comments please email me at

You rock! Don't forget to motivate yourself to move this week! I believe in you. xoxo