Monday, June 2, 2014

Intro: Part Two- Adventures in Returning My Equivalent to a Mid-Size Golden Retriever Chub-A-Muffin

If you think I look uncomfortable in this picture, it is because I AM. This is the first time I have held a gun at a wedding....or ever. I could not stop laughing over the irony of the situation. Don't worry Annie Oakley, I will not be taking your job anytime soon. 


I have a confession. Ok, it is more like I have a butt load of sarcastic excuses of my actions over the last two years. I gained weight. I am not talking valley girl, “I swallowed a piece of gum and think I am fat” kind of weight gain. I mean the real deal, 60 pounds worth. I think saying, “I lived on a cruise ship for 4 contracts,” explains a lot of what happen to my body and mentality.  However, for my own sake of moving on and sailing, so to speak, into a healthy mindset, I will share my excuses with you. I swear they are (mostly) legit.

I am officially starting this blog again! I think we can all say a big, amen, glory-be, hallelujah to that (Too far? Ok, well, I’m excited)! This will be more than a health and fitness blog. I will be moving to Korea and starting a new an exciting adventure teaching English to 5th graders. I will keep you posted on everything here! I leave as soon as my visa goes through (a couple weeks?). I will be in Daegu/Taegu.

Excuses From My Inner Fat Kid:
     1) Food
If you ever go to downtown Hilo- please go to the candy store and eat an entire bag of these gummies. They are DELICIOUS. 
Crew mess was shit. Unless you wanted to eat the same limp and wilted salad day after day, you had carbs and oil to choose from. They had peanut butter and jelly out all the time.  Ice Cream was available two times a day and was sometimes the only eatable substance there. When I was in Shore Excursions, I went a little crazy with food. Why? I was granted the right to eat the same food the passengers. One would think this would have helped me. It did- until I had one cheat day. Then I would be off the wagon for a month. The ice cream in the passengers buffet had toppings and sprinkles. Just sayin’.
When I travel, I like to indulge in cultural experiences. Like a huge plate full of every kind of Tim Tam and wine. At the same time. Is that a thing? Or is that just me? 

     2)  Time/Workouts/Sleep
If I had to chose between working out and Kona Brewing Company, you can only imagine which I chose.

Time is precious. It is the truest statement when working on a tin can in the ocean 7 days a week for 5 months without a day off. When I started on the ship my workouts were not possible. My third week on board for example, I went through the Coast Guard’s fire and safety training, STCW. I would go through classes in the morning, then work at night. Working out was the last thing on my mind. Not to mention the crew gym was a joke. 3 people working out in there was overwhelming, like a crammed jail cell. Sometime after I joined Shore Excursions, I was granted access to the passenger gym. I had some moments on the ship that I really rocked the freaking socks off my workouts. Mostly, I had those moments I rocked the socks off my well-deserved naps. Sleeping was the most precious gift of all on the ship. Let's face it, given the choice between workouts and a trip to Kona Brewing Company- I assume you can imagine which I chose.
Glamorous ship life.

3) Alcohol 
Oh, you know, just an average Thursday night.

Working on Pride of America was like the college party scene on steroids in the middle of the Pacific. I fully understand the saying, “drink like a sailor”. I have built up the alcohol tolerance of that of an Irish Stock broker. It was the only way we knew how to release our frustrations with the day. If you know the song, “Last Friday Night,” by Katy Perry, change it to “Last Thursday Night” and you have the story of our overnights in Nawilliwilli Harbor, in Kauai. If the walls of those bars could talk….or more dangerous, the ocean waves along Kalapaki Beach, we’d be in trouble. As I learned in college, booze has calories. I always forget that when I go into party mode. It is always shocking and disappointing to rediscover that.

4) Sucky Internet
Believe it or not, this blog help keep me accountable. You, my friends, were my personal cheerleaders. On the ship, the internet was expensive and terrible. To get off the ship meant to waste my rare breaks sitting on my computer. I also did not have free time. Writing and uploading pictures took time and energy I could have spent sleeping, eating, or getting off the ship.

Reasons It Was Worth Gaining the Equivalent of A Mid-Sized Golden Retriever:

1) I met a lot of cool people while I was misbehaving 
Out with the girls.

2) I enjoyed eating like a refugee discovering a buffet. Yes, I realize that is my food addict speaking. My inner fat kid had so much freaking fun the last couple years!
3) I can take new extremely impressive before and after pictures
4) When I lost all the weight before, I had great self-confidence but was still not mentally where I needed to be. My experiences on the cruise ship helped me get there. Now, I just need to keep that while I get my body to match how I feel inside.
5) Gaining weight after being my ideal size helped my view toward how people see me. Everyone, men and woman can be pretty shallow. It was interesting to see how I was treated different by an array of people as my body changed. The bigger I got, the less superficial my suitors and friends became. I also gained less flaky friendships.

Why I Am Excited to Return My Equivalent to a Mid-Sized Golden Retriever Chub-A-Muffin

1) My time hop photos from 2 years ago depress me. I was smoking’!
My journey back to me starts now. I felt so good here. Let's do this....again. hahaha
2) My fat girl pants are tight
3) I am lethargic
4) I lost a lot of self-confidence with my body
6) I need a challenge
7) I can hear my amazing personal trainer, Syrina’s voice in my head… :-/ And she's not happy. hahaha
9) I have had so many texts, emails, Facebook messages, etc requesting I start this blog again! 

So this is it, party people. Day 1 starts today. Who’s with me? Let’s do this! It is going to be a hard first week.  Bye bye deep fried goodness and ice cream with toppings and sprinkles. Hello fresh foods with nutritional value. Hello sweating out the bad and breathing in a new mentality.

1) Use MyFitness Pal app to document my food and exercise. Accountability is the key to my success! Get the app! Add me as a friend! Let’s do this together! When I am in Korea, I will try to keep up with it too. It depends on wifi and such there.
2) Eat like a champion. No simple carbs after noon. Lean and green all the way!
3) Start with exercising 4 times this week. I do not have a gym or a trainer this time. I plan to go for walks. I will do the loop trail (10 miles from my house) at least once this week. 
4) I will start strategizing how to pack for Korea. Lord help me.

Remember! Email me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I'm always bumming around Facebook too!

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