Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 9: Junk-in-the-Trunk/Attack-of-the-Train-Drunk

Week Nine: 2 pound weightless (18 in total)
Go to Costco this minute and get these huge and amazing strawberries!
The situation: 166lbs
Hey party people! I posted a day early due to an early flight to Mexico tomorrow. I figured being early was better than not at all, especially on a “Junk in the Trunk” reveal. This month, I lost 6 pounds and 11 more inches around my body. I call that a victory. Just an FYI, my post next week will happen on Wednesday- not Monday! I will be getting home late on Monday and will need a day to recover before uploading pictures for you! 

My workout plan this week.

Workout Routine Queen
Silly Goose.
I went on a couple lovely walks around the “loop” that circles Wenatchee and East Wenatchee. The geese have been out in force. The weather soon took a turn for the worse and I was forced inside the gym again.

Attack of the Train Drunk

Wednesday afternoon, I decided it would be a good day to brave the pass and go to Seattle. It is mid-March, after all! I shouldn't have any problems! I was wrong. I was stuck outside of Easton, Washington for almost 2 hours. My dad was also going to the west side of the state at the same time. We had to trade cars in order to get the sexy mini van a crossed the "chains only" Snoqualmie Pass without anyone dying. We were eventually successful in this quest, after over 6 hours of treacherous driving. The next day, for my return to Wenatchee, I decided that trying to battle the pass would be pointless. I ditched the van in Seattle at my aunt's house and took the train back. 
Pretty View from the train...before things when insane!
I was looking forward to an uneventful and stress-free trip. Until we hit Leavenworth, it was just that- perfectly boring without a hiccup. Shortly before reaching the Bavarian-style town, a black haired, hefty woman passed by me in poor shape. Her tank top was pulled up, exposing her "chub-a-muffin" and her nearly 7 foot by 7 foot boyfriend had to help her down the stairs to go throw up in the bathroom. After she returned, the lights started flickering until the electricity turned off completely in the moving train. She had done something to the control panel. The back up generator came on moments later, just to have the lights and power go off again. With the lights flickering I heard some commotion go on a few seats behind me. It was like a scene of every horror film involving a train. 

I heard our exuberant and Wanda Sykes- humoured car attendant say, "does anyone want my job? Free job! Up for the taking!" I few moments later I heard this woman squeal in a serious tone, "Oh my god, she's seizing!" This got me to my feet. I don't know what is it about medical emergencies and me that spring me to my feet and prepared for action. Maybe I was a doctor in another life? Who knows? I make my way back to the woman who is bouncing around like a unattended bouncy ball in an earthquake. People around her were trying to hold her down. I gently whispered to them that they should not hold her down. They could cause more damage that way. I grabbed some plastic bags for her to throw up in as she came to. Just as I did, I cleared out of the way for doctors and nurses who were on board to make their way to help her. I heard someone say she was not breathing at one point. When I sat down, there was a man on his phone, also bound for Wenatchee. He was giving the play by play to a loved one picking him up at the station. Just as he was about to hang up with the sober news that no one knew if this woman would live, he paused. 

The wild, raven-haired drunk woke up swinging and anything and everything around her. Simultaneously, pill bottled rolled out from under the seat. Whatever was in them was gone and consumed with copious amounts of alcohol. Just then, I heard the man on the phone say, "Oh dear god. She is trying to get out the windows! She is attacking everyone!...She just punched one of the workers in the face!" Then he paused and whispered, "She is headed this way! She is headed straight for the blonde in front of me!" With this, I look around. The wild woman was headed for 'the blonde' indeed- me. I could see her chub jiggling toward me as she targeted me on the train. WHY ME? I have no idea. The girl sitting next to me, bound for Chicago, did a cleaver, duck and roll that send her free to safety. I did not have that option. She staggered and ran toward me with conviction. As she was about to leap on me, without consciously knowing what I was doing, I found myself mid-air pouncing on her. Before I even knew I left my seat, I had her held down by the wrists while she tried to fight me and spit in my face. Adrenaline must have taken over because I could hold her down effortlessly. At that, I heard the man on his phone, "SCORE FOR THE BLONDE! She took the crazy bitch out!" 
The Irish know their stuff! Both laughing about this experience and sleeping lots after cured my traumatized mind! Happy (late) St. Patrick's Day! 
When I finally wrapped my mind around what just happened, I could feel my strength weakening. Just then, a big, broad man that worked for Amtrak (whom she punched in the face earlier) got her in a wrestlers "cradle" and started to drag her away from people. All the while she is still trying to take me out in whatever way possible. He looked up at me, teeth gritted, and face and in a struggling and husky voice whispered, "run!" You know the fight or flight instincts people have? I apparently have the fight in me. It took 4 very large men to hold her down until we got to Wenatchee. For a sort period of time, I was able to do it alone. It is amazing what adrenaline can do. When we got off the train, I was shaky and weak. The flashing lights of the 4 cops cars, ambulance, and fire truck mesmerized me as I ran to my mom's arms for comfort and stability. We watched the wicked witch of the eastbound train come struggling out in hand cuffs. I counted that as my workout for the day. It took me all day Friday to recover. The after effects of adrenaline left me tired and weak all day. So much for my boring, uneventful train ride home. I suppose it is nothing a good trip to Mexico can't fix.

2 Months Ago
Today! 22 inches and 18 pounds smaller
Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats (weight and body inch measurements):
Pink= This month Blue= Total
The Situation (Weight): 166lbs (- 6lbs -18lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 28.5 (-1 -4.1
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13" (-1/4 inch -1)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13" (-1/4 inch -1)
Boobs: 37" (-2 -3 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 35" (-1/2 -2)
Waist: 34" (-3 -5.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 38.5" (-3.5 -6.5 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 40.5" (-1.5 -3 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 24" (-1 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1 -1 1/2 inch)
Calf Left: 16"
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST: 11 inches... 22 inches 

Chubby Cuisine Challenge 

While in Seattle, I had a fabulous (delayed due to the pass) dinner made by my aunt. It was fantastic. As dinner wrapped up, my uncle Steve decided to open the freezer to eat some of the famed Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. After being heckled for not sharing, he emptied the rest of the box onto a plate and put it on the table. I starred, drooling at my favorite cookies. I was able to resist the temptation. This took a lot out of me to do so! Major points for me!

Full meal-deal blog next week! I just don't have time with all the last minute packing I have to do! I couldn't bare to wait another week without sharing my train story, however. Thank you for those who have been giving me such positive feedback! It is greatly appreciated! 


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