Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 24: Aloha The Beginning of a Hawaiian Adventure

Aloha Friends!
What a crazy couple weeks I have had. I have made my way to Hawaii and I am starting to get the rhythm of my new job on board Pride of America (Norwegian Cruise). I was bummed to discover I am not working with the wine department yet. I am a restaurant steward running around like a crazy person in the Aloha CafĂ©. I have already been “promoted” to beverage person, however, I don’t know how much of an improvement that is. It means I get my workout by haling 50 pound boxes of half and half around the restaurant and getting covered in the cream every time I change the boxes out. It makes me feel very glamorous. During our weekly meeting as a staff, my manager said, “I do not want to hear any of you complaining you cannot do something. If Katrina can be the first female in our history to do beverage station, carrying the heavy boxes for a quarter of a mile while smiling the whole time, answering guest’s tough questions, and not complaining once, you can do anything.  She is a beast and you could learn a thing or two by watching her and her attitude.”  This changed my views toward my new post.  I have already spoken with the Food and Beverage directors to switch to bar ASAP so I can use my major and passion for wine.
Fine Dinning on the ship- got the night off!
Hawaii is gorgeous. I usually have a few hours in each port to get off and explore. I am currently in Hilo. I am going to try to branch out and do some hikes and beach exploring on all the Islands. Right now I am focused on shopping. I will cut back on this shortly.
My favorite picture I've taken, so far....

Making friends is the key to success. I already have a core group of friends that have become my rock and sanity here. It is like a whole different world on the ship. It is truly like being on a reality TV show. We are in VERY close quarters and see each other every moment we are not in the bathroom or sound asleep. I am very thankful for the group that has adopted me. 

As for my workouts, they took a semi-pause last week. I made it to the gym a couple times, but I found it was hard to motivate myself. I was also going through training and had no time to do anything- include sleep.  I am starting to get closer to a predictable schedule and have been able workout more regularly the last few days. The gym on board is terrible for crew. It sucks the motivation out of you. However, I found out there are a few 24 Hour Fitness gyms in a couple of our ports. I am going to get a membership so that I can visit every time we are there overnight. It is very easy to eat healthy in the Crew Mess. They always have some sort of protein, salad, and steamed veggies to munch on. The fresh fruit is always amazing as well. I haven’t been AS good as I was before I left, but have not let all my bad habits sneak and takeover. I am at least proud of that fact. I also have no access to a scale. I am going to buy a cheap one and keep it under my bed. 

I usually work 10-14 hour days so I haven’t gained any weight because I am constantly on the go. My feet hurt so freaking bad, I can hardly stand.  Sleep has turned into a precious gift. However, spite it all, I am enjoying the experience so far! 

More pictures soon to come! SUPER DUPER slow internet! Email me with any questions or comments!


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