Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week One: That Moment When Even Your Dog Laughs at Your Workout Efforts

Workout Routine Queen: Everything Hurts  
I felt more dead than I look in this picture. This is after 25 minutes of Insanity. I could not get back up for what seemed like hours (6.5 minutes). 

There is no way to lie to you. This week was brutally hard. I went from consuming anywhere between 2000-5000 calories a day to 1500. The first couple days, my blood sugar provoked me to shake like a crack addict. It was not cute. You can just ask my family how nice I was, screaming and stomping around like big foot with a splinter in his toe. Today is day 7. I feel more in control. Eating a normal human about of calories is starting make my body feel full and energized- but I am not quite there. However, I lost 5 freaking pounds! I am so excited! It is amazing what your body will do. When you want change, you can make it happen. 

Working out was harder than eating well. I am so out of shape. I think a 90 year old could have out done me with my Insanity sessions. I worked out 3.5 days this week, rather than fulfilling my goal of 4. I was close, but not close enough. I have been too sore to move. I have liked my Insanity workouts in my backyard. I get some vitamin D while getting my sweat on. It is so much more peaceful than doing it in the gym like I was on the ship. I love workout videos. If you have some good ones, let me know! I'd love to try them out!

BREAK DOWN: 2 Insanity sessions, 1 hike with Traci, .5 walking the loop (25 minute brisk walk, hence why it does not get a full workout status)
You know it is a low moment in life when your little fur ball seems to be snickering under his breath at your attempt to do a proper burpee. They were so hard. At least I was in the safety of my own backyard to cuss and spit like a really lady does.
Saddle Rock 
Traci and I hiked Saddle Rock. It was gorgeous. I had planned to do this lovely, steep, perfect length hike a couple times a week....until I almost stepped on a rattle snake today. Those happy trail thoughts have vanished very quickly.
 Kitchen Counter with Katie:
Seriously. This was me all week.

NO ONE ADDED ME ON MYFITNESS PAL! FOR SHAME! My user name is blairkat- add me. Or feel my wrath. Muhahaha.... the app is free and awesome.

I hate cooking. If you know me, you know this about me. I don't have patiences. I have no skills. I like things quick and easy. If you are like this, you will love how I eat. I know I am not the only one! Next week I will have some smoothie recipes for you. Get your blenders ready!

One of the best parts of growing up in the Wenatchee valley is the fruit. I cannot get enough of it.  Can you say snack time?
Don't kneg my egg.
I am a world class egg white scrambler. WHY? It is easy. You can add all sorts of stuff to it. It is fast. It is yummy. It is good for you. This has spinach, bacon bits, and a little feta. A great breakfast or energy boost for about 200 calories. It does not take a culinary genius to do this. Precisely why eggs and I get along so much.  
Dear Dilly Deli, thank you for being you. I walked here a couple times this week (about 2 miles around trip) to get my hands on this amazing salad bar.

Raid the Fridge. 
AFTER Left overs are delicious. I took 1 wrap. 1 handful of spinach. 1 left over steak. 1 container of dill and cucumber greek yogurt. 1 sprinkle of chile powder. I made: one master piece in 2.5 minutes. Wait until I do this with Copper River Salmon..... YUMMMM. 
                                              I Really Turned Lemons into Lemonade!
This is so easy. You need lemons, some sort of sweetener, and water. It is delightful. I love tea as well. It makes me feel like I am drinking something with calories without consuming any. Truvia is my friend. I have a sweet tooth. I must fulfill it. 

Other Events of the Super Exciting Week

I saw two movies!
Calling all Disney nerds! This was amazing! GOOOO SEEEE ITTTT.

A Million Ways to Die in the West
If you want a good ab workout, go see this and laugh until you are on the brink of peeing your pants. HILARIOUS. However, you have to have a pretty dirrrrrty sense of humor to laugh as hard as I did. Be warned. 
I have officially broken in new hiking shoes! WAHOO! Watch out Korea!

I have a mild obsession with bunnies. 

Linden Tree.
This is my favorite place. On earth. It was the first place I drove to. The place I watched the sun rise after high school graduation. The place I always stop at before I moved to a new job. This is park looking over the Columbia River has seen my every emotion. My victories. My fails. My tears. My joy. I am so happy to get a few more weeks to enjoy this.

hahaha just kidding. This was a hilarious error. I was doing jump swats (OUCH) and my dog, Frodo stepped on my computer to have PhotoBooth take this. It is a good lesson. If you contract your abs and jump, it works your abs and eliminates your chub-a-muffin. It helps the appearance while you are doing it too. Look above for example. Chubs are hidden. Like Magic. haha
1 Hug a bunny. Again.
2 Workout 4 official times. 
3 Actually start to pack for Korea. I mean for real this time.
4 Lose 2 pounds.
5 Organize my bed room so my mother does not have a hernia. Katrina has definitely hit my room hard (that's funny because my name is Katrina. If you did not get the joke until I explained it we need to hang out more).
6 Make more smoothies
7 Find out when I am actually leaving for Korea. I believe it will be the 21st. 

Email with questions
Stay strong
Workout 4 days this week
Eat like champion 
Dare ya to keep up with me! TAG! YOU'RE IT!

Email me! I got some great messages this week! Let me know your thoughts. Things to try. What you are doing! Want to write an article for this blog? Let me know!

Love You Long Time. 

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