Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Four: Apparently Calories Count On Your Bday

This is going to be a different kind of blog this week. 
The week leading up to Friday, I was a rock star. I was on track- not a single slip up. Then the magical day of February 10th came and I turned 24. I was in Pullman, having the time of my life. I ate foods I had been craving for weeks (or did not know I was craving- see below picture) and partied like it was 1999. I got to see friends and family that I do not get to see nearly enough. 
Bacon Waffles. Better than Santa.
(To explain the masterpiece you are looking at above these are Bacon Waffles. NOT Bacon WITH waffles....bacon infused waffles.) The above is an example of the type of diet I partook in over the last 3 days. What I forgot is not a reward for being good. I am not a dog, as much as I would love to be. This morning, I wake up with a fever (boo) and force myself to crawl out of bed to see what the scale damage was from my weekend of fun.....I GAINED 8 POUNDS (below is what my face looked like in the mirror). You know when people say, "Calories don't count on your birthday"? Not only is this a fairytale, it is the opposite. I think they count twice as much.
8 pounds?!?!?!!?!?! NOOOOOO.
I have been so good. I was so proud of myself. 8 pounds in 3 days? It is both impressive and horrifying. I will tell you a little secret. When I go on my binges like that, I can usually loose all the weight I gained in about the same amount of time I gained it. Hopefully by next week, I can say I succeeded in that. 

As soon as I am better (hopefully tomorrow), I will jump back into my workouts. I will already throw eating healthy back in the mix today. I am guessing I am sick from the drastic calorie intake I did this last weekend, and the weird sleeping patterns I took up.
It is human nature to mess up and stray from your goals. The most important thing I must remember is that A) I had a blasty blast in Pullman B) Get over it and MOVE ON.

The above picture is what I will be looking like today. Sorry, sugar. You lose.

Don't Slip on My Soap Box

The beautiful thing about living in the United States is that we have freedom and liberties. One of those such things is freedom of speech. You can say what you like, when you like. I am very grateful for this. With that being said, please, please, please be mindful of what you say. You will never know how it is going to effect another human being. We are all guilty of this, whether we actually know it or not- myself included. As I have said before, my childhood was filled with torturous middle schoolers telling me that I was not good enough, I was not smart enough, and I was not pretty enough because of my weight. Those were direct comments that hurt me. Last night, I was taken back to those feelings of self loathing because of a indirect comment from a friend on Facebook. It sounds completely stupid when I say it out loud like this, but I think it needs to be explained.

My dear friend posted, what he thought was a hilarious comment about Adele being fat and needing to learn portion control. When I read that, being A) a girl B) a girl who was teased a lot C) a girl who has been friends with him for many years, I thought, 'if he thinks this beautiful, curvy woman is fat, does he just sit around an make fun of me too?' Adele and I are kindred spirits of similar dress sizes. I took this personally, even though I did not want to. The saying, "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me," is a lie. They are scars that go with you where ever you go. Everyone has them in their own little way. 

 People always say it is what is on the inside that counts. I know that is true. However, there is so much stress in todays society to look a certain way that it is mighty hard to remember that. I am doing this lifestyle to be healthy. I am also doing this so that girl that is inside of me can also be on the outside of me.
As I step off my soap box, I will say, your words effect people. Be mindful when and how you use them.

Happy Valentines (boo, hiss, roar). 
I knew I always related to Alice. Cats. YES!

Have a good week. Don't loose hope. You can do this. 
Let me know if you have any questions or comments!
NEXT WEEK: 1 month measurements! 

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