Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 5: Junk-in-the-Trunk Reveil #1

Week 5 Weight Loss: 12lbs/11 Total Inches

I have been waiting for this day for 5 weeks. However, it stubbled upon me quicker than I anticipated. On a normal Monday, I get up, reflect on my workout week in this blog, and head to the gym. Today was a little bit different. For starters, I am still sick as a dog from last week. I have zero voice and I start wheezing immediately after I enter the cold outdoors. It is really sexy...and the combo of the two: outrageously sexy. I am adventuring through Portland today and could not leave you empty handed on the big Junk-in-the-Trunk reveil. So, what do I do? I brought my scale and measuring tape WITH me on my trip. Now that is dedication people!
Open suitcase and not-HGTV-approved-hotel-carpet for proof of dedication to you and this blog.
I will give Oregon some credit as well!

It is freaking BEAUTIFUL!
I got an email from my loving and intelligent Aunt whom read my blog last week and joyfully cheered me up with her science. In reference to my last blog, I thought I had gained 8lbs in 3 days (all weight/blotting gain has been demolished- spite not being able to workout much due to being sick) and I wanted to burn calories by hitting my head against the wall. This was her response:

I just visited it [healthy skinny me chronicles] today however, and as a dietitian, not your auntie, I had to write and tell you that you did not gain 8# in 3 days. You may be up 8# on the scale, but that is not all “body mass”…much of it is water, bloating, blah blah blah. Since it takes ~3500 excess calories to gain a pound of body weight, you would have had to eat about 28000 EXTRA calories…so probably a total of about 34,000 calories in 3 days. You certainly may have binged…but that would be a hell of a lot of waffles, bacon or otherwise.

I know you know probably know all this, but just had to set the record straight…to try to minimize your beating yourself up about it.

I love fun facts. Evenmore, I love accurate fun facts! I thought I would pass this along for other out there like me.

Today is the day I measure my progress and visualize my progress. I will tell you that I have lost 11 INCHES from all over my body in 5 weeks. It is exciting to be able to see 'scientific proof' that all this working out thing is actually paying off.

Before Workouts (5 weeks ago)
After One Month (2/20/12) Sorry- lighting sucked!
Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats (weight and body inch measurements):
The Situation (Weight): 172 lbs (minus 12lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 29.5 (-3.1) 
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13 1/4" (-3/4 inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13 1/4" (-3/4 inch)
Boobs: 39" (-1 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 35.5" (-1.5)
Waist: 37" (-2.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 42" (-3 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 42.5" (-1.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 25"
Thunder Thigh Right: 25" (-1/2 inch)
Calf Left: 16"
Calf Right: 16" (+1/2 inch)


Post Birthday Excitement 

For my birthday, my sister came over for the weekend and cooked a marvelous dinner for me. She recently went to Alaska to visit a friend and brought back some of the best salmon I have ever had. At my request, she made a VERY healthy (and loosely tropical themed) dinner that made our mouths water.

Yummy Fishy and Salad
Crab Deliciousness
Katie's Sad...but Hilariously TRUE Corner.

My Goals for the Week:
*Get my voice back (no more sounding like an alien on mars drugs)
*BE HEALTHY (no cough, congestion, or sexy wheezing)
*Get back in my Workout Queen Routine!
*Keep my fingers crossed that Portland loves me as much as I love them. 

Normalcy: Coming Soon
Next week I will be back to my "normal" blog. I wanted to do the full meal deal here...but it is not possible A) on the road B) because I've been sick and not working out as much. It has been a huge bummer. I would start feeling I do what I do best, sweat like a mofo at the gym. Of course, the following day, I would feel worse than the day before. It has been a never ending circle, so I gave up. I am going to allow time for my body to heal THEN I will be my hardcore kick butt self again.

Have a wonderful, hardcore kick butt week. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for following me. This will be a fun month! Big body changes are in my body's weather forecast.

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