Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 21: Sooo, I am moving to Hawaii.

A hui kaua, means "until we meet again" Hawaiian
Current Situation: 153lbs and moving to Hawaii.
It has been a whirl wind of a week. It was sometime ago that I was hired by Norwegian Cruise Lines to part of Pride of America. This is the only U.S.A. flagged cruise ship in the world, which circles the Hawaiian Islands. I leave on the 23rd. As in 12 days from today (June 11, 2012) I will set forth on a new adventure. That is my life style. I am like a boomerang. I come and I go. As I figure out exactly my role on the ship and my schedule, and so on, I will tell you all. And yes, I will be continuing my blog! 
My new home.
Traveling is not just a vacation for me. It is embedded in the soul of who I am. I have a yearning that makes me unsatisfied when I do not have a planned cultural exploration in my future. It actually feels a lot like depression. I am so pleased that I have been able to find a job that allows me to not only travel and get paid, but work 5 months on and get 5 weeks off to travel for leisure. 
I really have no clue what this job has in store for me. I am so excited to find out. I have always wanted to live near the ocean,  and to fall asleep to the heartbeat of its waves. This is better, even. I will be living on the ocean, along the coasts of all the major islands of Hawaii. Also, I am overjoyed my oldest and dearest friend, David Reimer, is already on the ship working (he has for a month now). So, I get a wild adventure outside my comfort zone, with one of my best friends in the world. What more could a girl ask for?
Joan of Arc said it best. People ask me how I do it, how I keep running off and leaving my family behind. To be honest, I don't know how. They are my world. However, my travels are not just a hobby, they are a calling within me. It started at age 16 when I flew on a plane by myself for the first time to do an internship camp at SeaWorld during the summer. Then a leap came when I became a Rotary exchange student at 18 years old and lived in France for a year. It lead to me taking a quarter off school and moving to Florida when I was 20 to work at Walt Disney World for an internship through CWU. Finishing school sent me down to live in Napa Valley for a short-lived experience that brought me full circle, back to my stomping grounds of Wenatchee, Washington (Walt Disney once said, "Everyone should experience an epic failure when they are 23 years old." Walt was very right). Each of these experiences, in their own way, has brought me to this new adventure. 

I will admit. I am nervous....about my workouts. I have been on fire here in Washington. I have been focused and dedicated. It is easy to do so when you have the support I have had here. I have a bad track record of loosing sight of my fitness goals when I move to a new location. This experience has got to be different. I put my foot down. I have come too freaking far to stop. I know how hard it is to start over and I will NOT allow myself to do so. I am braver, stronger, and smarter than I think.
The above statement is true. And as Thomas the Train said, "I think I can," I am going to raise him one and say, "I know I can." What is most important to me? My health. I just have to remind myself of that when I am feeling lazy or thinking I "earned" some "comfort" (aka super fatty/carby) food. 

This week started the weekly summer yoga classes every Wednesday night at Ohme Gardens. This is a little piece of paradise that looks over the Wenatchee Valley. It is the most peaceful yoga experience. Listening to the fountains and birds while the warm sun coats you in the preparing sunset. I plan to do this the next two Wednesdays before I fly out (depending on our iffy weather). 
This little love of my life is Rosie, my best friend in the world since I was in 4th grade. She rocks my socks every day. She has seen my suitcase come out, and she is not happy. Ut-oh.
I am a recovering PB&J addict. However, the average Peanut Butter sandwich has, on average, 400-500 calories. Non Merci! So I have figured out a way to get my fix with only 150 calories! Wahoo! I use whole wheat bread that only has 40 calories a slice (can you say booyeah?!). I use low sugar Smucker's jam because the lower sugar subtracts the calories down to 25 a tablespoon. Better'n Peanut Butter might not TASTE better than peanut butter, but it does the trick (especially with jam). It has 1/2 the calories, fat, and sodium to normal peanut butter. 

Fruit Stands are open again! I stop on the way from work at one and get fresh berries every day. A perfect driving snack! 

Thank you Mary from Germany for sharing this with me! I am so happy that you guys keep reading this. Pretty darn sure we are all on the same page with humor week to week. That is why you guys rock my week each week!

Hello Kitty, Kitty made my week. Rosie would murder me in my sleep if I tried to get that on her. Adorable.
This week was brought to you by the color yellow. Mostly because it was so cold and gloomy. I am so fed up with cold. I give up. I think I will move to Hawaii and get away from it. ;-)
I was a Wilderness Explorer and went on a hike with my dad. "A wilderness explorer is a friend to all, be a plant or fish or tiny mole!" (Yes, that was an Up! reference.) It was FREEZING. I had 5 layers on and was still shaking in my boots. It was, of course, still fun. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay tuned for next week. It is going to be a big big big one!! It is my last Washington blog for a while, a junk-n-the-trunk, AND (possibly, hopefully, fingers crossed...I'm 2lbs away...) a 100 pound weight-loss mile marker. I will be working on putting it together all week (lots of photos of the whole journey). You won't want to miss it.

Have a fabulous week. Congrats to all the graduates out there! Remember! Email me with any questions or comments: 

Pa`a ka waha {observe, be silent, and learn} 

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