Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 22: Junk-n-da-Trunk and the Journey of Losing 100 POUNDS

I Have Lost 40 Pounds and 40 Inches in 4 Months

I Have Lost a Total of 100 Pounds 
For once in my (adult) life, I am speechless. I have lost 100 pounds. I am only 15 pounds away from my overall goal. My pride in myself moves me to tears. 100 POUNDS!

The number one question I have received since I started this blog at the end of January is: when exactly did you begin your lifestyle change AND/OR when did your weight gain start. A picture tells a thousand words. All week I have sorted and gone through pictures to show you the process first hand.

I think I've earned the right to jump for joy.
The Situation (Weight): 150lbs ( -40lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 25.7 (-7.7
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 11" ( -3inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 11.5" (-2.5 inch)
Boobs: 35" ( -5 inches)
Under Boobs (chest): 32" (-5 inches)
Waist: 30" (-9.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 34" (-10 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 38" (-5.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 23.5" (-1.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1.5 inches)
Calf Left: 15" (1 inch)
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST:  40 inches 

Healthy Happy Baby Girl

I was a healthy, happy, averaged sized baby to about 8 years old. Not going to lie, I was an adorable child (before pre-puberty started haha). 
I've changed in many ways, but NOT AT ALL in other ways.
Somewhat "Active" Childhood
I was not a HUGE chunk of a girl, yet. However, look at my skinny as a rail sister! This is what I was compared with when declined candy from the little old neighbor lady. Nice.
I had a moderately active childhood (emphasis on moderately, this might be an overstatement). I played soccer for 6 years and sucked every single minute of it. I also played basketball (same thing, some children suck at sports...then there was me, on a whole different level of terrible). I was never in shape. My favorite time of the soccer game was half-time so that I could eat orange slices and gummies while drinking Capri Sun. I went on hikes and bike rides with my dad and sister, especially in the summertime. That was one of the perks of having parents who worked in the school district, summers ROCKED. This was about the age that started hiding food (about 8 years old). It started to ensure that I would get more Lifesaver gummies than my sister, and later fuelled a dangerous food addition. To this day, I find myself hiding food. I will buy protein bars and keep a small stash in my room "just in case". The difference is, I do not eat them now. It is just physiological. I suppose in case there is a zombie apocalypse and I have to hide in my bedroom, I will have a supply of food. 

I Still Grit My Teeth at the Thought of Middle School.
(8th Grade) Anyone who was a bully to me: You can now, officially, eat your heart out. 
 Anyone who says the phrase, "middle school was awesome," I would have the urge to go all Glee on you and splash slushy in your face. I was not only awkward in appearance, but in personality too. I was the shy, quiet type that had weird interests of writing and Sailor Moon. I loved boy bands and my cat (ok, well, I am still totally best friends with my cat). I was tortured and picked on like you wouldn't believe. I was pushed down stairs, spat on, stalked, given swirlies, etc. Today, I have a ZERO bulling tolerance. There is no excuse to treat another human that way. This also led to more weight gain. 
High School AND Middle School!
Food was comfort. I ate my emotions covered with chocolate, caramel, and butterscotch toppings. I also had major health issues during my middle school years, especially in 8th grade. I missed nearly that year due to migraine and the receptors in my brain turning off temporarily. I was hospitalized and lost over 30% of my overall strength when I was unable to walk for almost a week. This ordeal led to even more weight gain. Even my teachers joined in the chorus of evil school kids in poking fun at me. I had ZERO self-confidence. I would often stand starring in the mirror, crying at what I saw in my reflection. My friend, Mr. Chocolate was always there for me, however. He was always so kind and friendly.

Oh High School, Thanks for NOT Being Middle School!
My high school years were better. I had friends who loved me the way I was. I met some of the most influential people in my life, mostly in the form of teachers. Even though my social life was getting better and the torture had stopped, my issues with food started spinning out of control. I stopped playing sports completely, unless junk food eating in your bedroom is a sport. If so, I should have been an Olympian. 
On the left was my beautiful sister and myself in Grand Central Station in NYC (age 16). On the right was me in France for the first time (age 17) eating frog legs.
A Life Changing Teacher Leads to a Year in France 
I picked up some TERRIBLE eating habits in France. Baked good with Nutella happened daily. Gummies? You betcha!
The high school teacher that has influenced my life the most was Jon Magnus. He did not only teach French, he taught about life and culture. He inspired me to explore the world and transformed me into the "girl on the go" that you all know today. He also played a huge role in bringing me out of my shell. Through his encouragement, I did a Rotary Exchange in Nancy, France for one year. This was one of, if not the most, influential years in my life thus far. This is the land of the birth of my love of wine and travel, the now building blocks of the foundation of my life. However, my eating habits in France took a turn for the worse. If you have been to France, you know about all of the bakeries and the delicious goodness that goes with that. Fun fact: I am a gummy connoisseur. If I could eat one junk food for the rest of my life without any consequences- it would be gummies. (Specifically Smurf gummies that you can only find in certain countries in Europe. I would eat AT LEAST a package a day while living there.) I did stand out in Europe because of my weight (I get that question a lot). None of the clothes fit me at the trendy stores and all the girls I went to school with were skinnier than a French fry (or at that time I suppose they were freedom fries?).

The Freshman 50.
Forget the freshman 15! I did the Freshman 50 (to be fair, I gained the 50 in 1.5 years. Working at Disney played a huge role. We are getting to that). Now that is talent. This was the first time in my life that NO ONE judged me for my eating habits. I kept a large bin of food next to my bed. You never know when a craving for frosting and animal cookies would come on.
My beautiful and amazing roommates Amanda and Hillary! I am super proud of both of them- both teachers! I am proud of me pictures I no longer stand out as the "chunky friend." haha! 
Mickey Made Me Eat It
I hit my all time peak weight of 250 pounds while working at Walt Disney World. Because it was an internship, it did not pay well. For me it was about eating as much as much as humanly possible while spending as little money as possible. A block down from my apartment complex was a Cici's Pizza (all you can eat, pizza, breadsticks, and pasta). It is a carboholic's dream. Because I was a Disney employee I got a discount there. It cost under $4 for ALL YOU CAN EAT. I gave that phrase a run for its money because I could eat a hell of a lot.

Jon Magnus visiting me in Nancy, France 2007
So how did I go from the all you can eat queen to the workout routine queen, you ask? Sometimes you get a rude awaking that hits you, so metaphorically hard in your face that you actually feel it. Jon Magnus (life-changing French teacher), became acutely ill and found himself fighting for his life. When he was in the hospital, it was said that the reason he pulled through one of the surgeries was because he was in good physical health before. When the thought, "If I were in his shoes, I would be dead right now," came into my mind, I burst into tears. I was 21 years old and was in such poor health that I knew I would die if I were hit with a sudden illness like his. This was 3 years ago.

Starting the Process
My Start-Out-Fitness-Angel, Morgan and I celebrating me getting below 200lbs.
 With that, I started going a couple times a week to the student recreation center at the CWU campus. I told one of my friends and fellow wine studies major of my goal to loose weight. Morgan went to the gym with me and pushed me to work harder. She celebrated my weight goals and lectured me when I slipped up and ate fried food. I would not have been able to do it without her.
God Bless my dad for putting up with this sour puss while starting out! hahahaha!
It was a slow and often painful process. You see me now all smiles and joy- but that was NOT always the case. Loosing weight is really freaking hard, especially when you are first starting out. Anyone who says otherwise will get another slushy in the face.

My Helpers

The above picture is of my daily motivation. I got a pet bunny, Thumper at the beginning of my weight loss process. Being a poor college student, I could only afford to buy a certain amount of food. Seeing as though I needed to feed my sweet bunny, I stocked up on fresh, organic fruits and veggies- instead of my junk food. Thumper taught me how to eat properly. The below picture is me and Casey (bonded due to our "twinship" we discovered while working at Disney together). This picture symbolizes what she has been for me (even from a distance) during this whole process. She is always there to help me up when I fall and I could not have done it without her. 

Bribe Yourself!
MY BEST ADVISE I GIVE- THE TRUE KEY TO MY SUCESS: I bribe myself. It is amazing what I will do for a pedicure. Overtime, when eating well and exercise become habit, instead of something you force, it becomes more enjoyable. 
I went sky diving with my sister and 2 of my awesome friends when I got to 170lbs (the first time, haha!)
I wanted to run a marathon in Paris. So, I did some pretty cool runs (7 total: 5 with my dad, 5 5Ks and 2 1/2 marathons). As a reward: I did the Semi-Marathon de Paris. Even better: one of my dear friends, Mary, flew over to run it with me. Let me tell you, I started sobbing a few times through it (mostly because someone pushed me at the beginning and I tore my hip flexor...but also because I was so damn proud of myself for doing it)!
After my injury during the race, I was unable to walk properly on my leg for months. Besides walking around Europe, I did not workout. I turned back to the European baked goods and gummies and found myself enjoying the local beverages more and more.  
European Culture is so yummy and fattening!
California (Food) Dreaming 
The below picture might be a bit fuzzy, but that is the best pizza I have EVER had in St. Helena, CA. I polished one off BY MYSELF a few times. :-/
A few months later, I was hired in Napa Valley for a job in Direct Sales for a high-end winery in Calistoga. Due to depression that crept over me while living down there, I turned to food for comfort, yet again. It was some of the most EPIC eating binges I have done in my entire life. A pint Ben and Jerry would be my appetizer to meals that surely weighed in at 3000 calories. Not to mention, eating out in Napa was not only an expensive experience it was fatty, creamy, and delicious. It was kinda like living in Europe all over again food wise. In the 7 months I was down there, I gained a total of 30 pounds. I was 190 when I got back to Washington. That is when I started this blog. 

I have lost 40 pounds since late January.
In Mexico in the end of March 2012- days before starting with my awesome and amazing trainer, Syrina. Compare this picture to one of me today. I have lost OVER 20 pounds (and added muscle) because of the extra motivation. Feeling and looking the way I do today is PRICELESS.
Get a trainer or join group exercise. Surround yourself with people who motivate you. I hear people give a lot of excuses why they do not workout. Believe me, I know them all because I've use to use them all. #1: I don't have time. I call my B.S. card. I get up at 4:30am 3 days a week to get my workout in. There is always time. #2: Gyms and personal trainers are too expensive. What are you spending money on that is more important than your health and livelihood? Everything else could be stripped away from you. Health is all we truly have in life. Why not try to improve it to the best of your abilities? 

This does not happen over night. This has been (off and on) a THREE YEAR PROCESS for me to loose 100 pounds. The worst is starting over. Stick with it!

If you ever need some motivation and encouragement, email me. Seriously. I could not have done it without some of my fitness angels and I would be honored to pay it forward and help you. 

Aloha, Hawaii

At the end of the week, I fly out for my new adventure in Hawaii. I am so excited. As soon as I know my schedule and time of day I get internet access, I will figure out my new blog posting schedule. 

THANK YOU. The days I feel like giving up, I get your emails, facebook comments, and face-to-face conversations saying how much you are enjoying reading this. It keeps me going. I am so close to my over all goal. I know, because of you, I am going to get there! You are my super stars.

Please email with any questions or comments! XOXO!!!


  1. Very inspiring Katie. I know a lot of Rotarians (including me) that would always be available to you during those dark times. Allan

  2. Katie, I am so proud of you. You are beautiful inside and out and have worked so hard!! You truly are a wonderful example of how to set goal and dreams for yourself and to follow through. Your blog is so inspiring and is sure to touch the lives of many others who were in your same footsteps. Many blessings on the next big adventure in your life, friend! So excited to hear all about it. Love and hugs to you!
