Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 20: Vive La Smoothie

4 Pound Weight Loss (in 2 weeks) and Surviving Vegas
WE PASSED and got these nifty pins to prove it!
I know I promised you an epic and exciting blog about my adventures in Las Vegas, taking the sommelier intro exam, and struggling with temptation. HOWEVER, thanks to my nemesis, Mr. Flu, I had the MOST tame version of a trip to Vegas known to mankind. I think a group of 80 year olds probably out-did me. I was in bed before 8pm every night and barely able to function in class. The wines that were served were beautiful and sometimes, world renown. Normal, healthy, happy Katie would have been clicking her stylish, yet affordable heels with the thought of doing blind tastings and sipping on wine all day. Sick, pukie, and tired-as-hell Katie was not as amused. However, through it all, both myself and my travel buddy (yeppy, the same one who went to M-M-M-Mexico with me) Ali, passed the test. We did get some shopping in, so it was not a complete waste of Vegas.
Current Situation: 155lbs (4lbs in 2 weeks and the flu so it doesn't really count, haha!)

Black berries are unreal in their amazingness right now. Great for snacking, great for smoothies (see below). Also photographed here is Frodo (le dog). He gave us quite a scare by having a seizure this weekend. He is thankfully ok! 
It is time to pump up your nail polish color. Summer is just around the corner! 

DIY Frozen yogurt places are the BEST. You can really make it as healthy or unhealthy as you want. This baby only had 200 calories and was full of great nutrition! 

Our Sommelier classes were held in the Bellagio. It was stunning. There were breath-taking bouquets like this in every hallway. 

 I now have a bow to match every outfit. Bliss!

I don't have to CRAM for anything for a while. Study, always. Cram, avoid! 

I may or may not have eaten carrots and celery sticks walking down the Las Vega Strip my last day (when I was feeling like eating)....I know, I know. I'm an odd duck.

My dad and I are twinzies! One of my happiest moments in a long time! Friday morning, I went to Wenatchee High School's end of the year award ceremony. I knew a dear friend was being recognized for her community service. It turned out that my dad received the top honor for staff, The Heart of the Panther (by twins, I mean I was honored with the involvement branch of this award when I graduated from WHS). ALSO, his Sports Medicine team won 1st overall in the NATION.  I have seen how much time and heart he has put into his job my entire life. He never asks for recognition and, in my opinion, does not get enough for the countless hours he puts in. I am proud of you daddy! You were overdue for this! :-)

Vive La Smoothie
I have been promising for sometime now that I would do a whole section of my blog dedicated to my smoothie addiction/way of life/pure love. 
What You Need:
1) A good freaking blender
I know it is weird to consider house hold appliances friends and allies, but I would go that far with the Vita Mix. It is amazing and blends through anything. It is great for frozen fruit and ice...or whole fruits and veggies. It allows you to get all the full nutrion value of the skins without the weird texture. 
2) Liquid
I prefer to NOT use juice or milk (or milk substitutes). I use plain water, flavored teas, or plain iced coffee. I am adding plenty of calories and really don't need more. Sometimes I will add coconut water. It has great levels of electrolytes and is amazing with a tropical smoothie blends. 
3) Protein
When I make a smoothie for a MEAL, I always add some sort of protein. I try to avoid (or cut back) if the smoothie is a SNACK. I mix it up. The above are some of the most common protein sources I use (vanilla/chocolate protein powder [Costco's rocks], nuts, and Greek yogurt).

4) Fruit and Veggies
Fruit can be expensive. Two ways to cut back (and thicken your shakes) is frozen fruit or apple sauce. Frozen fruit is THE WAY TO GO. Not only is it delicious, it makes your shake super creamy. I love frozen bananas too. They keep way longer, and can replace a protein powder or yogurt for a thickening agent if you are just having a snack, or going gluant free. I add whatever fresh fruit I have too. Veggies smoothies are also delicious!
5) Extras I Add
In the morning I always add oatmeal and pee pollen (top two pictures). They add carbs (oatmeal) and good energy (both). Chia is soooo good for you. It is also a thickening agent when added to water (it turns into a gel). The FIRST thing I do when I go to make a smoothie is put a teaspoon of chia and bee pollen in with 3 teaspoons (maybe a little more) of cold water and let it soak while I prepare the rest of the smoothie. I stir occasionally. ADD THIS MIXTURE LAST when the blender is on LOW. They are both delicate. The gel the chia produces adds a "bubble tea" texture to your smoothie. If you do not like that texture, start by blending dry chia and raw oatmeal together and turn them to flour. Bee pollen cannot be done this way. I also love the Green Super Food. It adds a mixture of fruits and veggies to your smoothie, without the bulk and calories. Alone, it tastes like horse hay, in a smoothie you don't taste it. I also add AT LEAST a cup of spinach to every blender. You cannot taste it, it just effects the color. 

MONEY SAVER: If you have a smart phone, go to a health food store (or section of the grocery store), find the exact ingredients you want, go on app and order them from there. You will save tons. 
6) Flava Flava, What's Your Flava?
When I have fruits that are not as sweet or have been frozen, I LOVE my truvia in my smoothie. As I said, I also love adding iced tea or iced coffee (make the night before, your ONLY prep work!). I often add the instant coffee right into the blender. Sometimes, you just cannot remember to make it the night before. I would not try this if it is not instant! Sometimes I also add a tiny bit of instant sugar free pudding to it. It adds texture and flavor. 

Smoothie Ideas
Raspberry Mocha Loca 
This is so yummy and is a great way to start your day: lots of caffein. Sometimes I do not have time to drink a smoothie and enough tea and coffee to keep me going. This allows you to multi-task. :-)

Banana Banaza
This is really good with banana instant sugar free pudding too. For a snack, I replace the oatmeal and protein powder with apples and/or applesauce. Another idea is a tablespoon of peanut butter. YUM.

Tropical Whampical Delight
The other day I had some mangoes that were about to go bad. I peeled them and squeezed a cup of juice out of them. I used that as the base of my smoothie. It was a magical tropical experience! 

Really the possibilities are endless. Let me know some recipes you have been using and I will try them out as well. If you are in a smoothie rut, EMAIL ME. I am pretty good and specializing smoothies for taste and your dietary needs (I have been studying!). 

I ALWAYS try to keep my meal smoothies under 400 calories. People think I'm crazy for even counting calories when everything I add is good for me. However, weight-loss is unfortunately a math equation (I LOATH MATH). 1 POUND equals 3500 calories. If you can 3500 calories EXTRA each week (between what you eat and exercise) you can loose 1 pound a week. Calories do matter but they shouldn't be everything. 
I am exciting for this week. I am thankful for my health,  my body that earns for strenghth, and all of you! Don't forget to email me with any questions, comments, or smoothie ideas/questions! (

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