Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 11: The Mexico Diet

Week 11: 2 pound weight loss (20 total)
Situation: 164lbs
Viva Mexico!
I am in love with Mexico. I am already plotting my return.
Before I jump into the excitement of Mexico, I have something very exciting to share. Remember in my first blog (breaking up with Ben and Jerry) an "after" picture I posted of me at my lowest weight yet? I was 158lbs in the picture in Paris. See Below for a reminder:
The sweater dress I bought in Paris and last wore over a year ago because it not looking so cute on.


I am only 6 pounds away from being my smallest weight yet! My goal is to be there before the next "Junk-n-the-trunk" reveal. 
Workout Routine Queen: Mexico Edition

I traded in the gym last week. This was my workout room instead. I would walk and run the beach followed by dolphins and warm sunshine. I also discovered I have a profound love of Sketcher's shape-up sandals. I am not about supporting the Kardashians and making them richer, but I assure you, I felt a difference while walking all over the place in my legs. 

I also did all of my exercises that my physical therapist, Michael Hansen, suggested for my back problem. I did those in the resort or on the beach. Most of them consist of abs and gluts. 

Workout Buddy?
I did a lot of resistance exercises in the water. As the waves went in and out, I powered along the beach into a sweat. I am super proud to say spite not sticking to my normal diet (and adding a few drinks in there as well) I only gained 2 pounds on the trip. I have burned off those plus two additional pounds just this week (so albs totally this week). WAHOO!

I went on a snorkel adventure that found us watching the majestic beauty of Humpbacks. We watched them play in the tall waves and crash backwards, using the ocean as their playground. It was not only a highlight of the trip, it was one of my favorite moments in life. 

The new improved Workout Queen Routine: 
Trainer Edition! 
It is official. I have hired a personal trainer. I am really excited too. I feel like I have my spark back at the gym. I was starting to get bored with my workouts. The beauty of this is: if I have a trainer- YOU HAVE A TRAINER! I will make sure to take good notes during our training sessions and I will share them with you. I found my first meeting with the amazing Gold's Gym favorite, Syrina. I already enjoy her...which means she is going to kick my booty. Ha! I am really going to work on doing more weights and resistance. I am not only trying to loose weight, but also tone the chub a muffin! She wants me doing 6 days of cardio and 3 of resistance. 

She had some interesting and entertaining computer software that projected what I will look like at my goal weight. If that isn't motivation, I do not know what is! However, it turns out for lowering my healthy risks and to make my "internal age" lower than my actually age she said my goal weight should be 123lbs! My eyes must have bugged out of my eyes. I was working toward 135-140. I might compromise and go for 130lb. I am all about getting rid of all my wiggle jiggle, but we will have to play it that by ear. 

It is a new month. party people! Ready to have sexy arms?! I am!

The Kitchen Counter with MEXICO
I cannot say enough about the food and drinks. I will let the pictures do all the talking! It is a miracle I did not gain more. 

Oh baby...I miss these fried chicken yum yum feast in my mouth.

It is even better than it looks.

Probably the best sauce I have ever had! It was  avocado based and spicy!

Hannah, this is for you. Some of the best curry I have ever had!

All you can eat and drink Mexican Fiesta night!

I pretty much lived off of quesadillas. YUM.  

An entire Vitamix blender full of blended boozy goodness was in this!

I could have lived off of these!


After Mexico, I was a wee bit dehydrated. The mixture of not drinking much water, sun, salt water around me, and alcohol...I was in NEED when I got home. I have been trying to drink one of these a day. It has done wonders flushing me out as well. It is about 80oz. I fill it will different things each day to give it a different flavor. I get bored with plain water sometimes. This batch has chopped up strawberries and cucumbers and fresh mint. It is so yummy. I just keep it in the fridge and refill whenever my glass or water bottle is empty. 

Chubby Cuisine Challenge: Churro Edition
Dearest Darlingest Momsie and Popsicle, 

THESE ARE BAND FROM THE HOUSE. I don't care what your excuse was! 

Your loving and adoring daughter on a mission to loose and kill my chub-a-muffin

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