Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 13: Junk-n-da-Trunk and addressing haters

OH YES! It is that time of the month! To be honest, I was feeling a little bit discouraged this week. I haven't lost much weight this month and my measurments were seemingly not changing much. However, my before and after pictures- from today to 2 month ago make me super happy (see below). This is now month 3 of being healthy. I couldn't feel better or be happier. 
Today 04/15/2012- Muscle is making me look good and lean! ;-)
02/19/2012- 1 month in to my life-style change (2 months ago)
Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats (weight and body inch measurements):
 Blue= Total
The Situation (Weight): 164lbs ( -20lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 28.1 (-5.3
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13" ( -1inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13" (-1 inch)
Boobs: 37" ( -3 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 33.5" (-3.5 inch)
Waist: 34" (-5.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 38.5" (-6.5 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 40.5" (-3 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 24" (-1 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1 1/2 inch)
Calf Left: 16"
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST:  23.5 inches 

The Kitchen Counter with Katie:
Daily Dish Edition
I have been getting a lot of emails asking for my daily food routine. I usually mention certain foods that I like to focus on in my diet...but I have never given the low down on my daily dish- so to speak. Below are a list of my lucky 13 foods- I am guaranteed to eat during the day. I mix and match to get all my food groups in during the day. 

I would also like it on the record that I am not DEPRIVING myself! I love the food I am eating and have never felt healthier. I eat 4-7 meals a day. I am not doing this for peer pressure. This is for me, my health, and my well-being.  
Here is an example of combining some of these for a meal. I had this 2 hours ago. Lean top sirloin, quinoa with avocado, mango, and baked kale. Delicious.
1) Leafy Greens (mostly Spinach and Kale)
2) Quinoa
3) Veggies (Asparagus and Broccoli- mostly but not exclusively!)
4) Fruit (Tropical [pineapple, mango, kiwi, etc], Berries [any and all], avocado, squash, etc)
5) Eggs
6) Whey Protein (bars, shakes, and powder)
I am pretty tricky. I have some Starbucks gift cards- I love coffee, but not that calories. I get a Iced, Grande, sugar- free peppermint coffee with room for "cream". Then I take it home and put half of a chocolate protein shake it in and make a peppermint mocha. Boo-ya!
7) Meat (Lean Beef, Turkey, Chicken breast, and Fish- mostly)
8) Greek Yogurt
9) No Sugar added Apple Sauce
10) Smoothie Adders (Green SuperFood powder, Truvia [natural 0 calorie sweetener], Chia gel
11) Nuts (Almonds and Walnuts mostly)
12) Metabolism boosting spices (Cheyenne Pepper and Cinnamon are two examples) 
13) Spicy Sauces (Fred's Big Red, and Sriracha, etc) 
Me Likey Sriracha!
I am not sure what it is about the holiday of fluffy bunny tails and Easter egg hunts to bring all the meanest people on the internet to email me. I got 5- count them- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 messages that were down right rude (all of which, were men- from the mid-west, oddly enough). It was everything from the "hate" of my blog title (innocent enough!) Jason from Kansas. 

He wrote:

"You should be ashamed of yourself for posting pictures of your fat ass on the internet. No one cares about your person struggles. Please delete this piece of garbage. Post pictures when you are finally hot."

Dear Jason from Kansas,
I would love to write a list of profanities and scream at you through the internet. I would also love to politely request that you go on a hunting trip with Dick Chaney. However, I am going to pretend to be a nicer person than that. STOP WASHING YOUR CRABBY CAKES DOWN WITH HATER-ADE! Perhaps you are so use to your flat landscape around you in Kansas, that you forgot what curves look like. I got 'em- right here on my hips. I am damn proud of my body. You can suck it. 

Warmly and Sincerely,

For other haters out there, I have my girlie anthems that I will turn up so loud that I cannot hear you! So take that! ha.ha.ha.ha
You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me, but you see
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again- got me feeling like I'm nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded
You, pickin' on the weaker man
Well, you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know what you don't know
Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
I'm pretty awesome
Soft Kitty, solves any problem!
I had a whole section for Workout Routine Queen planned on leg workouts I've been doing, but I will have to do that next week. I felt this issue of my haters needed to be addressed first. Tomorrow will be a killer workout! 3 hours of Bodypump, Zumba, and personal training. Lord help me.

 Thank you for all of the positive support I've been getting from everyone else!!! Please email with any question or comments. (

Love you guys! Be strong and train hard!  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Katie. As a cardiologist who deals with the consequences of unhealthy lifestyles everyday, & as someone who advises my patients on diet & fitness regularly, I can say you're on the right track.
    Nothing like putting it all out there to motivate you even more - quite brave of you!
    Congrats on the progress you've already made so far, & yes, remember: slow & steady wins the race - certainly when it comes to weight loss & fitness. Look up more on Leptin - your body's neurochemical on fat metabolism - to learn more about why crash diets are doomed to fail.
    And yes, I agree, shoot for 130-135 for now. And yes, hydrate!
    As for the hatemail - as puzzled as I am as to the "why" - remember the Martin Luther King Jr sentiment: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Not that you should love the guy, but remember that persistently increased stress hormones lead to vascular disease & metabolic disorders - just think of a chill, happy attitude as part of your fitness program! (Sounds like you already have that down:) )
