Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 14: No Cosmetic For Beauty, Like Happiness

Week 14: 1 month 'without' weight loss
Current Situation: 164lbs

Happy Monday My Friends!
I would first like to thank you for the overwhelming support I got after last week's post! It is very moving to hear how this blog and my actions are effecting your lives. You guys are my inspiration and keep me going! Thank you so much!
I do, I love you all with all of my butt, which is a whole lot! hahaha!
My 4 simple (yet totally rockin') accomplishments this week: 
Size 6 jeans, baby! First time since 6th grade. SUPER proud of myself!
I have realized that I am grumpy when I don't get a good workout in! I am now at the point that working out is not a chore- it is a hobby and passion. That is a big deal for me!
I went on a evening walk to the bird sanctuary every day it was warm and sunny 
I learned to do a Fishtail braid! Thanks Youtube!

This week, I have been getting emails about my skin/face/complexion/make-up use. This came as a great shock to me! I have never been known as someone with good skin. I often had peers call me, "freckle face" as a child. However, I did not have many freckles. Zit face, would have been more like it!
 It is not perfect now, by any means, but has improved A LOT. I have noticed the biggest difference in the last few months. I am sure my diet has a huge part of that. Keeping hydrated is a HUGE help too. When you take out fat and oils and replace them with natural and healthy alternative, your body will thank you in every way- even your complexion. 

I end every day using ONE SIDE of a make-up removing wipe and "take off my face." I save the wipe (Costco has awesome ones that work well, are super soft, and super cheap!) and use it the next morning to wipe off any oils that built up during the night. In the shower, I use Cetaphil Oil Control Foam Wash (it worked miracles after using hardcore sun screen on my face in Mexico). I ALWAYS use moisturizer with sun screen under my make up. I only put 3 make up items on my face (other than eye make up and lip stick): Neutrogena under eye concealer, Clinique powder foundation, and Neutogena bronzer/blush combo. I keep it simple. I am a low maintenance girl. It takes me between 3-7 minutes to do my make up. Blow drying my never-ending thick-as-the-center-of-the-earth hair- is a different story. 
This is beyond true. Happiness shines out of your eyes and can fool people into thinking you are prettier than you are. Instant face lift! Like the old saying, "It is what is on the inside that counts!"

2 Fit Girl Problems
1) Things You Love No Longer Fit
If I were simply speaking of clothes no longer fitting- being too big, this would be a joyous public service announcement. My clothes continue to get bigger on me, spite not "loosing weight" (getting toned! wahoo!). However, that is not what I mean. I feel we should have a moment of silence to mourn the loss of my shoe collection.
Weight-loss does not discriminate. It will make everything fit different- even your shoes. Designer to Target brands, it doesn't matter. They are all too big for me now. I don't even know what to do with myself! Anyone wear a 9.5 and loves shoes? Email me. (  I might cry a little saying goodbye to some of these beauties, don't mind me! haha

I have another issue as well: underwear. They are all too small! It is not the issue you'd think I'd be having (to keep this blog PG, I am not going to show you how my underwear look on me now)! My squishy tushy is now more tush than squish! I have been really focusing on squats and lunges. This is proof that my hard work is paying off. However, shoes and underwear are my favorite thing to shop for, meaning, I have a lot. 

Dear Nordstroms, I would not turn it down if you sent me a big gift card for my love and admiration of your merchandise and all my hard work! ;-)
2) I Live In "Active Wear"
I like making my workouts in the mornings and afternoons (perhaps with an evening walk thrown in too). Why? An excuse to stay in my compression pants, tank top and sports bra, all day long. I have grown to hate "real clothes". I would love to give a BIG shout out to the person who made yoga pants a fashion trend. I hope you know they are less fuzzy, better feeling sweatpants of today. And I thank you for that!

Grumpy Monday

This is how I am feeling today!
(Boys, you might want to put your "ear muffs" on for this next part!)

I have friends that their "time of the month" really effects them hard: mood swings, cramps, dizziness, etc. I have really never been one of them...until TODAY. I was at the gym this morning doing Body Pump and was about 2 squats away from passing out. I really did not like the feeling! I had to leave class early and cancel a training session at 11.  I have felt so good this last week (minus the 2 nights I ate ground turkey in 5 minutes and then tried to workout right after...ouch!) until this morning. I have zero energy. I am in PAIN. I have been beyond happy the last few weeks... and today I have a rain cloud following me everywhere! I walked in the door from running errands and burst into tears for no reason WHAT SO EVER. After taking iron and eating little bits here and there I am feeling closer to a normal human being. If anyone has any other tips for me, I would be super happy to hear them! 
Have a super star kind of week! Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of wearing, & loving, active wear 24/7 - it's a great feeling. Even though you're rockin' those size 6 jeans.
    (PS - do you really love me with all your butt? That makes one of us a cheeky monkey - not sure which...)
