Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 16: RMR and Exercise Adventures in the Emerald City.

Week 16: 2 Pound Weight Loss 
(27 pounds in 16 weeks, 93 pounds TOTAL)

Current Situation: 157lbs
I heart Audrey.
How to Avoid Weight Loss Plateaus! 

I had a fantastic week. I did a very interesting test that has revolutionized the views of the food that I consume and burn. I did the RMR (resting metabolic rate). The test itself is super easy. First thing in the morning, before doing anything, you roll out of bed, head to Gold's Gym and breathe into a little machine (see below picture). That's it. I recommend everyone doing this. It is just interesting to know about yourself. I discovered that when I sit around doing nothing but breathing air, I burn 1240 calories. This is on the low end of the average scale. What this means for weight loss is: IF I workout 9 hours a week (which on average I do) and consume 1277 calories a day, I will lose 2 pounds a week. GAH! No wonder my weight loss slowed down so much! Granted, if I am doing a day of hard, fat crying workouts, I am going to eat more. I am not about passing out or dying. I am hardcore, but not stupid. 

I also figured out exactly how many carbs, protein, and fats I should be eating per day, which was really interesting. I need my diet to be 50% carbs (160g), 25% protein (80g), and 25% fat (25g, 14g saturated fat, and 319 calories from fat). Thanks to the app, My Fitness Pal, calculating these numbers is super easy.

Other Reason My Week Was Rockin':
First of all, I found this picture. If it doesn't make you laugh, nothing will.
I saw my sister twice in one week, which is like a new record in our adult life.
The weather has been amazing! And I did my first hike to Saddle Rock for the year with my dad. My allergies tried to kill me, but I rose to the challenge (I cannot take any allergy meds for one more week when I go to the allergist and find out what all I am allergic to. Wish me luck...)
I had the opportunity to go to my first Sounders Game this week! It was great weather and they won! I would say it was a win-win…but they played L.A. Galaxy and I DID NOT SEE DAVID BECKHAM. Boooooo! 
My Seattle Adventure

I took a “day off” from working out on a trip to Seattle I took this week. I walked up and down the hills of downtown and called it good on Wednesday. The next day, I thought I needed to step up my game and seek out the Downtown Gold’s Gym. I did just that (only after setting off a very loud and troubling security alarm at my Aunt and Uncle’s house early in the morning, sorry again everyone!) So here I am, very proud of myself making it downtown to discover the most amazing thing known to gym-goers everywhere: Cardio Cinema. I watched most of the movie Money Ball while using an elliptical and having sweat drip off me. It was a fat crying work out. After, I did a little weight lifting and decided it was time for a protein shake before I pass out or die right there on the floor of the gym. I head into the pouring rain to catch the Light Rail to the South Center mall. I chose to be sporty and use the never-ending-feeling stairs at each station I got out at. I was on a quest to go to the Nordstrom’s Rack because I love designer workout clothes for “Katie Prices” (Yes, I am aware there is a new Rack downtown Seattle, but it does not carry active wear).

 I get off at the nearest stop, grab my phone, google map the Nordstrom Rack and realize I have a 3 mile walk in the freezing rain. Brilliant. So I stop at the mall (2 miles into the journey) to eat soup and hot tea so I can feel my body again. By the time I actually got to the store I was soaked and freezing. I “tried on” the heaviest coat I could find in my size and proceeded to wear it around while shopping. Classy, I know. The trip ended up being successful. If someone had bought what I did, at full price, they would have spent $650. I spent $99.25. I got 3 pairs of Juicy sweat pants for a total of $26 (they are usually $118 each). I may or may not have done a dance in the middle of the store when I found them. I proceeded to call a taxi to take me back to the station after that ordeal. 

Another word from the wise, never ever go to “browse” in Sephora if you are actually looking for something. You will come out much poorer. The girls in there can smell weakness. It must be a new perfume scent I am not aware of. Long story short, I indeed got a “good” workout Thursday. I don't believe Dorothy would have been jealous of my journey around the Emerald City. I think I would have preferred the Yellow Brick Road myself. 

Workout Routine Queen
For the last 6 weeks, I have been doing more strength training than cardio. This is a big deal for me. I use to LOATH anything that had resistance. However, I have been seeing how quickly it has been changing my body, and I am learning to not only do it, but enjoy it. I have been doing TRX (see above picture) for a month now, 2 days a week. It is using your own body weight as your resistance. It is a HELL of a workout. It does wonders for your hot bod too. 
The class I once dreaded going to is now a weekly favorite. I love BodyPump at Gold's Gym! I go at least 3 days a week. Again, this is a "low" (starts out feeling low and by the end feels like a million and a half elephants) resistance weight workout that works all of your major (and minor) muscle groups. It is a mental thing for me. Before, when it started to burn and hurt, I would rest and grumble about how I hated the class. After research and support from some of my "lifting" friends, I have realized, the burn is where results happen. Embrace it. Bare down. Cuss loudly in your head if you must. Encourage yourself. Do anything to push through one song of each muscle group. When you finish, you will feel like the champion of the world.  Between these classes, I have seen more changes in 6 weeks than any other time span since I started my weight loss journey. If you are just doing cardio and wondering why you are not losing weight, seeing results, or hitting a plateau: THIS IS IT! Add some weight training. You will thank me later.

Chubby Cuisine Challenge: 

Another trip to Seattle, means another round of amazing temptations from my Uncle Steve! haha! I was so super happy to be able to go to the Sounders game with my family. However, he bought 2 things of garlic fries and had one on either side of me. It was torture by garlic. I ate all the apple slices, and called it good. After all, everyone and their dog knows that you can't just eat ONE garlic fry. 

I am super proud of myself and the progress I have made. Always remember you are your own biggest critic. Why not make yourself smile by doing something good for you inside and out? Hope you have a super amazing week. Please email if you have any questions or comments ( xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Another great post, Katie!
    Especially for pointing out the simple math behind weight loss - which is why there are no short-cuts. I tell my patients it's like balancing a check-book.
    One creative patient - a sweet 75 year old lady - told me that she makes her self get up during every commercial break as she watches her favorite program (she's figured out there are 5 breaks) - and walk briskly around her big house.
    Every little bit adds up...
