Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 18: Junk-n-da-trunk and Viva Las Vegas

WEEK 18 and 29 INCHES DOWN! 
Happy Monday and Junk-N-Da-Trunk Day! This is a view of part of my daily routine: cleaning delicious and nutritious smoothie off my face. 
I hope you all had a wonderful week!
I woke up this morning, excited to step on the scale and see where I am. After all, I have been doing everything right, eating like a pro and working out like a boss. That all changed when I saw the number pop up. Not only did I not loose weight this week, I gained weight. The current situation went up 2 pounds. My first instinct was to channel my inner karate kid and break the scale over my knee. However, after thinking about all the resistance training and (WARNING: boys- put your ear muffs on!!) being a girl and dealing with "that time of the month"...I decided the scale could live to see another day.

I found myself stressed out this week about things I should not have. It was exhausting and a waste of time and energy. I found the picture below and it made me smile. So true. 
However, I did cheer myself up tenfold, when I found a pair of jeans my sister gave me for my birthday. They were a size too small (size 8) when she got them for me. They were my inspiration jeans- a goal if you will. I did the unthinkable when I got them: took a picture of me in them...stomach exposed and all. If you know me, you know I am and probably always will be sensitive about showing off my stomach. For me, it is  the MOST uncomfortable body part to show off! Weird, I know. However, these series of pictures totally made my week. I think it shows my progress better than anything.
Mid-February 2012- I had to lay down to get them on. I sat down in them and nearly popped the button.
Beginning of April 2012- sucking in the chubs with all my might. However, they did fit comfortably! 
5/19/2012- Not to flash you my underoos, but these pants don't stay up with a belt! Glory be, hallelujah! 

Current Junk-n-da-Trunk Stats 
(weight and body inch measurements):
 Blue= 29 inches lost total (5.5 inches this month)
5/21/2012- Cannot have a Junk-n-da-trunk without an updated "I love you" bunny shirt picture! Excuse the no make up! I felt that getting this posted was more important than a shower and getting ready for the day. That is dedication at its best!
The Situation (Weight): 159lbs ( -25lbs)
Height: 5'4"
BMI: 27.3 (-6.1
Wiggle Jiggle Left (Upper Arms): 13" ( -1inch)
Wiggle Jiggle Right: 13" (-1 inch)
Boobs: 35.5" ( -4.5 inch)
Under Boobs (chest): 33.5" (-3.5 inch)
Waist: 32" (-7.5 inches)
Chub-a-Muffin (the tire/doughnut/hips): 35" (-9 inches)
Squishy-Tushy (butt): 40" (-3.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Left: 23.5" (-1.5 inches)
Thunder Thigh Right: 24" (-1.5 inches)
Calf Left: 15.5" (.5 inch)
Calf Right: 16" 

TOTAL INCHES LOST:  29 inches 

Viva Las Vegas

This week I discovered that I am FOR SURE going to Vegas next Monday to complete my introduction sommelier certification! For those of you who do not know, a sommelier is also known as a wine steward. What this means is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, normally working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as food and wine pairings. I majored in Global Wine Studies, so this is exciting to be able to add another certification to my resume. However, I am worried about all the temptations of Vegas. I am training hard this week to keep my focus. 

Other reasons my week ROCKED 
my Hello Kitty Socks:

1) As you know by now, I love shopping the sale racks. I love to get some bang for my buck. HOWEVER, I am discovering that sometimes, it is worth it to splurge a little bit. The left eye, I used Dior Iconic ($25 @ Sephora) on the right eye, I used Maybelline ($6 @ Target). I think it is easy to say who won this round! Damn you, Dior.
Maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's photoshop on their models....
2) Every week, I try to do at least one different workout. Change it up, keep life interesting. This week I found the most different and delightful of them all: Laughter Yoga. It is even more odd than it sounds and twice as fun. Fun Fact: 1 minute of continuous laughter burns as many calories as 10 minutes of rowing. Perhaps my next mix up workout will be sitting around listening to Jim Gaffigan talk about bacon and hot pockets. 

3) My little fluff ball Frodo (AKA, Froodles, Doodles, and Lil Shit) can be such a love bug- when he wants to be. This week he was my little buddy every chance he got. I love that. Keep it up Fro and you will keep getting food snuck to you under the dinner table...
4) I FOUND A ZERO CALORIE SODA- without artificial sweeteners or coloring! I have been trying to cut back on my consumption of things like aspartame. I am sure it causes cancer, or worse. This soda is made from stevia/truvia. I also am hooked on Vitamin Water ZERO, made with the same natural sweeteners. I get bored with water from time to time, so it is nice to mix it up. Tea is my other saving grace! 
5) Who says fast food has to be unhealthy? I love Subway! Sure you can make it unhealthy if you want, but doesn't this look amazing?! Even with oil and vinegar it is about 200 calories with the apple slices. A great mini meal to keep you full and happy as a bird with a french fry! 

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for all the feedback I have been getting! Keep it coming!

If you have any questions or comments email me at

Always remember:


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