Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 15: Losing the Weight of a Baby Hippo. 90lbs!

Week 15: 5 Pound Weight-loss (25 pounds in 15 weeks- 91 pounds TOTAL)
Current Situation: 159

I am not sure what Dr. Oz (whom I hate) is doing with 90lbs of raspberries here, but I will tell you what I am not doing with 90 pounds of fat- no longer wearing it on my body. WA-HOO!
IT IS OFFICIAL. I have lost over 90 TOTAL pounds. I am so excited and proud of myself. I basically lost the weight of a baby hippo, or two adult emperor penguins, or 9 average sized bunnies. Just to prove a point, I tried lifting 90 pounds of weights at the gym. After about 1 minute, I thought my arms were going to fall off. I stood there in the middle of the gym trying not to cry. Don't get me wrong, they were tears of joy. I could barely hold the amount of weight I have lost for a period of time. It is a great victory for me mentally, however, it is a greater victory for my health and well-being. 

Another small, yet significant mile marker for me this week was getting over my plateau. For an entire month, I didn't lose a pound. After changing only 2 SIMPLE things in my diet, the pounds flew off this week. It has been since I first started working out (again) that I lost this much weight in one week. Weeks like this make me wish I would have done the Biggest Loser so I could get paid for this (That show ticks me off too. How can that be healthy loosing THAT much weight each week? But, I still watch it! ha!)
2 Tips to Make Your Plateau a Downhill Slope:
1) When you do a MORNING workout- do not eat before hand. I know what you thinking, "Katie, you are nuts. I would pass out without eating." Wrong. I thought the same thing. When you get up out of bed and  go straight to workout- you are burning off calories from your "bank" of extra calories. If you eat right before a workout, you will just be burning the calories you consumed for breakfast. It will also rev up your metabolism for the rest of the day and help you burn even more calories. Make sure to eat a well-balanced meal as soon as you done working out. This is very important. Also, don't go crazy and push yourself to the point of getting faint. I did this due to a mixture of a cold and sessional allergies AND not eating. Listen to your body. It knows you better than your mind does. 

2) Lay off high protein SNACKS. I was trying to include protein in every thing I ate. I had so much in my system that my body couldn't process all of it. I am now having high protein meals, with snacks of fruits and veggies. It is very satisfying and so is loosing 5 pounds in one week for barely doing anything differently. 
I have been craving watermelon like no other. It is so good for you, so delicious, and one of the best fighters against cellulite! I have been freezing chunks and making watermelon slushies. They are killer.
I have had many of you write to me saying you wished you had more time so that you could workout. I understand schedules are busy. Hours are short and the days seems shorter. However, your health is really all you really have in life, if you think about it. If you don't have that, you have nothing. You don't have to be a workout warrior or a gym bunny. Just move your body and allow it 20 minutes of exercise. If I can get up at 4:45am two times a week- anyone can get up 20 minutes early to move around. I promise!!

Workout Routine Queen
Happy May! Get ready to rock and roll!

In those 20 minutes of workout- have fun. I have been so consumed by thinking I had to lift weights or be in a gym setting to "workout" that I was forgetting to play

This week, with my trainer out of town (SYRINA! PLEASE COME BACK. I think I need a pocket version of you with me at all times!) I discovered ways of getting my sweat on, without needing a gym. Two of which were:

1) Walking the "loop" (however, I may have walked the loop halfway just to end up at the East Wenatchee Gold's Gym. This was a killer, sweat dripping, sunny day. AKA: A-fat-cryin'-kinda-day).

2) Tennis with my Dad (AKA watching my dad run around the court trying to keep up with my erratic balls that I hit with no aim.)

Another Tip: When I am at the gym, I like to pretend that everyone is competing. I am what you'd call, a "competitive-passive-agressive" type. If the person next to me on the elliptical, man or woman is outdoing me in resistance or elevation, I push myself to match. The best part of this competition- because I am the only one who is aware it is going on, I always win. And who doesn't always love winning?!

This is a tulip that sprouted from a bulb I brought back from Amsterdam. 
If you have any questions or comments please email me at blairkat@gmail.com

You rock! Don't forget to motivate yourself to move this week! I believe in you. xoxo


  1. You go girl. I like following your progress and since I need to drop 50 when I get my blood pressure under control I find great inspiration in your journey. And you courage to share it with us.

  2. You inspired me to spend 90 of my past 2880 minutes working out - another well-written piece, Katie.
    It's worth reiterating that the benefits of exercise go well beyond just burning calories & losing weight directly thru the exercise - working out actually helps you make healthier choices in what you eat (we're still not sure how that works) & eating less, not more.
    90 pounds - that's impressive!
