Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 17: All Hail The Candy Nazi

Week 17: (27lbs in 17 weeks, 93lbs TOTAL- No weight loss this week, but I did more weight training than usual, so I am not surprised.)

Currently Situation: 157lbs

My Mommy and my Mimi

First of all, I hope all of you had a wonderful mother's day. Besides not existing, I am not sure where I'd be without my sweet mommy. Although she calls me the "destroyer of chocolaty dreams" and my personal favorite the "Candy Nazi" (I claim this as a compliment) she is my number one supporter. Not only in my weight loss journey, but every step of life. I'd be lost without you. Thank you, mom!

For all other mothers (or mothers of pets/animal lovers) I found another excuse to post cute pictures of animals. Enjoy.

Cute, huh?!?!

Mother's Day Dinner: Anna's Salmon and Salad

Kitchen Counter with Katie: 
Raspberry Mocha Smoothie Fantastico Edition
First of all, check out the awesome, well-balanced nutrition facts here. Second of all, this master piece tastes like a freaking raspberry mocha from heaven above. I have been adding extra instant coffee to it too. AND fresh raspberries. It just keeps getting better and more amazing. Smoothies are the love of my life. If you have smoothies you love, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me the recipe.
Allergy Check: Waste 'o Time
Today I went in to see if I had any food allergies. What I really wanted to know is if I had any food sensitivities (AFTER injecting allergens into my back, I was told they do not test for sensitivities! OF COURSE! Gah!). However, all I learned is that I am very allergic to blue cheese- which I have known my entire adult life (that is what the giant red mark is in the mirror. It itched like HELL). Needless to say, it was a waste of my afternoon, keeping me from the warm sunshine. Oh well.

Workout Routine Queen: Playground
For those of you who think that you cannot workout because you do not have a gym. I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. Especially with the weather as awesome as it has been this week. 

This is a spring loaded balance board. The longer you stand the more it shakes. Do a some balancing squats on this baby and you will feel it. Plus it is fun.

Climb on crap. Use your muscles. You don't have to load a weighted bar to call it a resistance workout. I used everything from the toys at Rotary Park to the benches to work different muscle groups. It was a fun mix up to my routine. I highly recommend it!

FOR THE RECORD: Supplements Edition 

The number one question I have been getting recently from you my friends: what supplements do I use to aid my weight loss. My big announcement is: blood, sweat, and tears (AKA- none). I do not take any chemical that "speeds" up the weight loss process. I have an addictive personality. I do not need one more crazy expensive (or harmful) addiction. I will keep my addiction list to: homemade smoothies, exercise, Truvia based drinks, and bargain shopping. It is a valid question, however.

"Performance" Pills I Take (check out the link if you'd like to know why):
Multi Vitamin





Occasionally: Ginger

FOR THE RECORD: Weekly Schedule Edition
The number 2 most frequently asked question I have been getting is what my actual workout schedule is. The below is it, give or take classes, personal training, or random short workouts before or after classes.

Monday: BodyPump @8:30
Tuesday: TRX 6am, *Get in, Train Hard, and Out 6:30am, BobyPump 12pm Get in and out 4pm (this is my hardcore, crazy fat crying day)
Wednesday: Body Pump 8:30, Get in and out 12:15, Get in, Train Hard, and Out 4pm
Thursday: Get in, Train Hard, and Out 6:30am, TRX 6am, Hot Yoga 4:30
Friday: Misc.
Saturday: BodyPump: 8am
Sunday: Rest
 *Get in, train hard, and out classes are 30-minute intense, small group classes focused on a mixture of cardio and strength. These are total fat crying workouts (my like fat screaming profanities at you workouts).

FOR THE RECORD: Hannah’s Curry
My awesome and amazing cousin, Hannah, asked me weeks ago to find a healthy and easy way to make curry. My favorite style of curry in the world is red curry. I found the most amazing recipe that only takes 30 minutes and is extremely healthy. For me to say it is easy means something. I am not a cook...unless you call my smoothie making cooking.... Then I am a 3 Michelin Star chef.
Veggie Thai Red Curry

  • 1 tbsp red Thai curry paste
  • 1 tbsp coconut cream
  • 300ml skimmed milk
  • ¼ butternut squash , peeled, seeded and cut into cubes
  • 6 baby button mushrooms
  • ½ small head broccoli , cut into florets
  • cherry tomatoes
  • lime , halved
  • fish sauce (to season)
  • steamed rice , to serve

Who Loves Rhubarb? 

We have a plant that is VERY old (it was my great-grandparent's) and produces huge pieces of rhubarb. It is my quest to find a way to use some of this and have it taste good without a butt load of sugar. We shall see.

CHUBBY Cuisine Challenge: Great Harvest Bread Edition
Mom, I do not care if it is Mother's Day or Leap Day....this is not allowed. I am a bread addict. I lived in France and could polish of a loaf without a second thought. Bread like my crack mixed with Fun Dip for me. This with butter? Oh dear Lord! Too good. I did manage to avoid it. I stuck to the yummy salmon and kale salad. 

Have a rocking week my friends! Go out and Sparkle. Let me know if you have any questions or comments (! XOXO

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